Who’s My Mommy? The Sequel


Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
I’m back with another mystery chick! This one hatched (rather unexpectedly if you saw either of my threads about it) from my incubator one week ago. I literally just grabbed a random egg so I have no idea who’s mom (or dad). Also, he looks like a lavender???? His baby fluff is outright shiny silver but his adult feathers coming in are a very light grey which from what I read is what counts as lavender? He has multicolored legs (black legs with pinkish feet and toes). From what little comb he has it looks like a straight comb. He hatched out of a lightish brown egg (I can attach a picture if needed)



currently the hens I have are an Austrolorp (pardon the spelling), Austrolorp/NN, buff Turken, Isa brown, Saphire olive egger, white leghorn, barred rock, a large blue possible jersey giant mix (I may have forgotten someone so one might get added)
Roosters- black NN, two red NN, and a silver Columbian genetic nightmare silkie mix/RIR
Any thoughts?
Well you didn't name any lavender birds and tbe chick would have to get a lavender gene from both parents o be lavender.
I'd say it's blue so one parent was blue. Besides that its a mystery I don't want to try to untangle.
Well you didn't name any lavender birds and tbe chick would have to get a lavender gene from both parents o be lavender.
I'd say it's blue so one parent was blue. Besides that its a mystery I don't want to try to untangle.
So that limits it to the sapphire olive egger and the blue giant mix. I’m not sure about the dad though. Because the NN gene is dominant so it isss possible for a NN to be the sire but????
Can you compare the tail to those who think may be the parents? It looks like a EE tail to me or an olive egg tail... they seem to have very distinctive tails I’ve found...

also there’s way to much fluff on that neck for it to be a NN so what are the other possibilities
Can you compare the tail to those who think may be the parents? It looks like a EE tail to me or an olive egg tail... they seem to have very distinctive tails I’ve found...

also there’s way to much fluff on that neck for it to be a NN so what are the other possibilities
Not entirely true, a naked neck with only one copy of the gene (usually sporting a large bowtie) will not pass on the naked neck to 50% of their offspring.
Not entirely true, a naked neck with only one copy of the gene (usually sporting a large bowtie) will not pass on the naked neck to 50% of their offspring.
Yes but the op has other threads of similar nature where the trait was passed on.. this leads to the thought that by looking at the feathers that the father could be the silkie... and by the colour of the chick I would suggest that the mother is the blue mix...

BUT... that is only going on previous threads and photos that were posted on these threads... believe me when I say I’m no expert or experienced chicken keeper I’m still learning myself.... I’m just going by what has been provided

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