Who do you "stalk" on BYC?

Wha...who...BABY?!?! I am no baby, I am already almost an adult!!! In five years....
But yes, you are avuncular. Sadly.

You are the same age as the younger faction of my brood
I wish you good fortune and happiness in becoming an adult, and wish you would stay a kid another 2-3 years at least........ Keeps us old guys from wanting to kill any young buck sniffing around ya you know?

Great. Just what I needed, another person to keep me safe from the hordes of boys who will never come.
Thanks for the well wishes, I hope you have a happy and peacefulish old age. But with us young people around, like myself and Eenie, I highly doubt that.
You are the same age as the younger faction of my brood
I wish you good fortune and happiness in becoming an adult, and wish you would stay a kid another 2-3 years at least........ Keeps us old guys from wanting to kill any young buck sniffing around ya you know?

Great. Just what I needed, another person to keep me safe from the hordes of boys who will never come.
Thanks for the well wishes, I hope you have a happy and peacefulish old age. But with us young people around, like myself and Eenie, I highly doubt that.

gonna snuff me out as I nap in the rocking chair eh? The lovely Ms. Kelly has tried that a dozen times... Try again wet behind the ears one
Oh, and the guy thing...... in 5 years you will be eating your words.... School cliques are just that..... And short term. Once you walk, everything is off the books, game on. I still don't talk to most peeps I went to school with. Saw what they were really about the first year after graduation..
I just know that one day I'm going to be old and wrinkly, and be sitting here having this same conversation with some younger BYCer who thinks she knows everything....
Wow, for such an old fogey, you give some good advice!
Tani, boyd's a month younger than I am. stop making me old.

Hey, to me, everyone over 20 is old! Sorry, your venerable agedness, but I'm a kid and I live in the temporal and fleeting world of youth.
Tani, boyd's a month younger than I am. stop making me old.

Yeah, that's why I fainted. He's several years younger than me. Everyone over 20 is old? Really?
Stop, I can't handle all this fainting, I'm starting to get dizzy.

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