who else has eggs cooking???

I do! I'm currently at day seven, day six, and day three with several different groups. I'll be putting in one or two more groups and then I'm done till the spring!
Me, thought I was done till Easter but nope, LOL. I have just 9 in the bator now although I'm pretty sure only 6 are viable. Still so much fun. I'm on day three so still have a ways to go.
i have 27 silkies and frizzles at day 12.....
We're incubating our first group. 2 EE and 2 BA's. We're on day 9. I candled a few days and 3 looked good. One was too dark to see through.
im on day six and day two in two different incubators !! =) I candled just one row of the day sixers and have at least one veining I left the rest alone the others were just to dark for me to see anything .. =/ im soo impatient lol

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