Who else is totally grossed out by FAT????

Fat flavors the meat no fat no flavor. I love the fat Ieat it by itself off of the pig the cow or the chicken yum yum!
OMG!!!!!! I am not alone

Hate fat in my meat, everything is trimmed before and after cooking if needed before I'll even consider eating it!

My family thinks I'm warped
I don't like fat of any kind on anything anywhere, especially when I go one pound over 188 and it's on my stomache as a paunch. I now weigh about 200# and the 12# paunch is showing now. Going on the South Beach diet Monday to lose at least 15#.
quickest way to lose weight is to cut your carb intake.
minimal rice potatoes,breads, anything made with flour and or sugars.

1/2 cup of prepared plain pasta is 35 carbs, anything added to it ups the carb count.
add that to anything non protein and the carb count gets expensive as my grand daughter says.
Her being diabetic has taught me it is what you eat that raises blood sugar and to combat that they take carbs and moderate them and then add insulin.
Watch wieght watchers, lean cuisine, any of those supposed "diet" meals, yes they are lower in calories but way higher in sugars and carbohydrates, weight gain comes in the form of carbs.

Since grand daughter was diagnosed as Type 1 our diet has changed and we all have lost conciderable weight being on low carb diet.
Disclaimer here: I do not mean Atkins Diet, that is dangerous and shouldnt be used by any sane person.
Ask a dietician about it they will scare you to death.
One of many reasons I am mostly vegetarian. DH loves his ribeye steaks- I'll cook it, but I won't watch him eat it. I just look at something else.

And he likes them extremely rare.

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