Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

19 weeks, burgundy red faces, singing the song and visiting the nest for over two weeks. I am starting to wonder if they are eating them. I cleaned out the coop and didn't see any remnants in the bedding.......

They did stop shoving the golf ball out of the nest though. I kept putting it back in there and now they leave it.
19 weeks and blood red faces also. I know I shouldn't have expected them to be already laying but I'm so excited that they're getting close! I heard the beginning of the "egg song" today but no squatting and they will not go near the nest boxes.
Don't worry too much about them not checking out the nest boxes. Mine didn't pay any attention to theirs until it was time to lay an egg. I think it is just too hot to be "cooped up" for long. So far, I have gotten 4 eggs from our ladies, and they were all in the nestboxes.
One of my 11 1/2 wk old Lt Brahmas is already squatting everytime I pet her. Does this mean she's going to lay early? I hope it isn't trouble for her if she does since she's a very nice friendly hen.
They are moving all of the plastic eggs out of the nest boxes. And they are all watching one hen while she sits in the hidden corner. Hmmm
So, my buff's comb is getting red and actually turning buff. But what I am questioning is that she has started walking around with her tail in the air. Does that mean anything?

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