Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

My chicks were hatched the first week of March.

I am beginning to believe that my chickens belong to a secret society of chickens who don't lay eggs because it is beneath them.
we bought some P.O.L chickens on Saturday, not sure how long we will have to wait for the eggs. They seem to have settled in well. Getting excited about our first egg, sure myself & hubby will have to share it. I also get calls off my in-laws everyday asking if they have laid yet lolol.
LOL hoping that you all get your first eggs soon!! It is so eggciting to get your first egg! when I got mine, I was going to take a picture but I got so excited running from the coop to show everyone that I dropped it!
finally today at 27 weeks my Nera laid her first egg

This is much much later than when everyone else seems to get their first egg. Still waiting for three more similar aged pullets to lay, hopefully I shall be posting their first egg pics very very soon

I did the pelvic bone "test" y'day on my 5 BRs.
3 with very red combs have greater distance (3 fingers) between pelvic bones than the 2 with pinkish combs (1 finger distance).
They are all 20 week old and not sure if they are hiding eggs somewhere.
My children and hubby heard the egg song today!!!! I checked pelvic bone few days ago on my reddest Dominique and it was two fingers.

Are we getting close? Isn't the song supposed to be after the egg not before? There is no eggs in the nesting boxes but maybe we should look in the run more closely?
Yes, someone here suggested that I do pelvic bone test :).
Basically its measuring gap between two bones that stick out
just below the vent on either side.
I had to read about chicken anatomy (google search) to find
what they are.
Then I held the chicken on right hand head facing to my elbow,
vent facing slightly up.
With left hand fingers, try to feel the pelvic bones sticking out under skin.
Try to measure the distance between them. Theory is that if the distance
is 3 fingers, then they are already laying eggs. If its less, its possible
they are not laying.
My 5 BR hens have varying distance between the bones and they are not
laying. So I am still confused if they are laying and hiding (freerange) or not
laying yet.

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