Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

So, yesterday evening I got all excited because the Buff Orpington started a really loud, rhythmic bawk, bawk, bawking and then the Barred Rock weakly joined it. Buffy was really, really loud and it sounded like the 'egg song' that people have posted videos of. She was not, however, looking for a place to lay. She was pacing and then flying up to the roost in the run. She kept it up for almost 10 minutes. She would slow down, start to get quiet, and then start up again. First time she's ever done that (they are about 18 weeks). But alas, no egg. Perhaps she was just upset about something....
Yay Chicks! :

So, yesterday evening I got all excited because the Buff Orpington started a really loud, rhythmic bawk, bawk, bawking and then the Barred Rock weakly joined it. Buffy was really, really loud and it sounded like the 'egg song' that people have posted videos of. She was not, however, looking for a place to lay. She was pacing and then flying up to the roost in the run. She kept it up for almost 10 minutes. She would slow down, start to get quiet, and then start up again. First time she's ever done that (they are about 18 weeks). But alas, no egg. Perhaps she was just upset about something....

My EE that jsut laid today was doing that for about two weeks before she laid her first egg (today) - so you are probably close!​
My EE that jsut laid today was doing that for about two weeks before she laid her first egg (today) - so you are probably close!

Oh cool! I had no idea how LOUD they could be. I'm going to owe my neighbor eggs, for sure!

And congrats on your egg!!!​
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I am not waiting anymore!!!!! And, it wasn't Whoopi, I really had my money on her. I think it was my 16 week old RIR Ruby. She is acting VERY TIRED tonight. It is tiny, but mine, and I am SO THRILLED!!!!!! I did my egg dance all the way in the house to show it off, and I haven't quit smiling yet. I now have 12 more first eggs to go!!!!


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