Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Thanks!! We are so happy--she layed another today! Its bigger and a nice "egg" shape.
Leghorns should lay earlier than dual purpose girls so I bet your girls will lay soon I'm sure!
Heard a racket coming from the coop, looked outside and found my Delaware fleeing the scene...upon further investigation inside the coop:Wa la! A beautiful tan egg in the nest box. Yay!
You know what's worse than waiting for that 1st pullet to lay her 1st egg??

Answer: Waiting to see who's gonna be next and how long THAT'S gonna take! LOL! Our Felipa has been laying for 7 days, and we have had 5 edible eggs and 2 egg poops (shelless/soft-shelled eggs in the coop--that's what she laid 1st). She is a leghorn and has been very consistent. She was 21+ weeks when she laid her 1st egg, which is old for a leghorn. I'm told that means she'll be a healthier layer in the long-term.

Now we are waiting on Rhoda (the RIR), Juanita (barred rock), Bertha (EE and oldest of the girls at 26 weeks), and Martha (youngest at 20 weeks). Well, there is 1 real young pullet who hatched in July, but she won't lay until around next March so I don't count her. I think the EE is gonna be next. She is starting to exhibit some of the behaviors I saw in the leghorn about 10 days ago, right before she started to lay. I can't wait to see what color eggs she gives me! Oh, I hope they're green/blue!
HHandbasket...you give me hope that my wait may be over soon. I also have a Leghorn (brown) and RIR who are 20 weeks old and a BR who is 19 weeks old. Im about ready to serve eviction notices to these freeloading birds!! Unfortunately Im not noticing really "red" combs but Im not really sure how red they are supposed to get....
4 BA's and 1 EE all around 21 weeks and still no eggs!! I hear the egg song every now and then, I go running and nothing. They all just look at me like I am nuts, and I will be soon if they don't start laying!
Yesterday, I wondered if maybe they were laying in the yard somewhere under a bush so we had a literal egg hunt, but came up with nothing! WHEN WHEN WHEN!!!! AGGGGHHH!!! I guess at the very least I am providing entertaining stories for friends and family who think I am nuts for having chickens in the first place. OH well, (sigh) maybe soon.
I bought 2 pullets from the fair over a month ago. They were in quarantine for a month. One is a six month old bantam cochin who was supposedly laying when I bought her. The other is a 5 month old bantam polish. I thought my egg laying wait was over for this year in July when I got my eggs from my sex link pullets. This wait is even harder than it was back then. Oh and I also have 1 jersey giant pullet that I am patiently (not) waiting to get up to laying age. She is 11 weeks so I probably wont see an egg til next spring from her:hit
Thats exactly right. I finally got my brooder all fixed up yesterday and put my 6 barred rock chicks in it. They look so tiny but they are about 3-4 wks old. Have to put up some pics. So with all this waiting on eggs I decided to cheat and get some to incubate for a friend. WELL.......my bator is acting a fool. So now I have 2 dz eggs that need to go in and no bator. LOL just my luck, so Mak i feel ya.
Easter Egger and Barred Rock 24 weeks today(ish). Two 20 week old Wyandottes. One 28 week old(ish) Brahma. NO eggs
lol but the Brahma is redder and looking more mature every day. The others are still not that "mature" red.
they are taking their sweet time hehe
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