Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

u are not the only one left...no eggs yet for me....and I am getting close to the 24 week mark also....I thought I heard the egg "song" yesterday while the girls were out free ranging
and I ran around for almost an hour looking for an egg
...nothing so far...I figure they are just gonna lay more and longer when they finally get going!!
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OH THANK GODDESS! I"M NOT ALONE. I have 8 adults producing only one egg a day and 6 16wk olds still adolescents. And to make matters worse the teen chicks are so rambuncous they have knocked a carton of precious hard-to-come-by cackle berries off a shelf above the main door, smashing them all on the poopy pine shavings. GRRRR.

I feel relieved that I am apparently soooo not alone.
I only graduated one girl
I still have FOUR others I am waiting on lol! Two 22 week old Wyandottes and a 26 week old Barred Rock, and a 26 week old Easter Egger
I am by no means totally graduated lol!
My BR is a hair oldr and almost 26 weeks...I always heard they were broody hens...great layers....for some reason I equated that to laying earlier than others
...glad to see another BR is holding out!!
Yeah, those of you who are still waiting are definitely not completely alone. Even tho we got some eggs last week, I have only gotten one completely shell-less egg until today, when I found a nice, brown egg. So I think that only one or two of my 8 are laying. The rest seem to think they can continue to mooch off us! LOL

And I want to say a thank you! to those who suggested switching out the golf balls for fake eggs. The egg I found this morning was in the nest box, so someone is getting the idea. Mine must be golfers, and not fooled by the golf balls!
Maybe they are out playing nine when they should be laying!!!
I think I was the one who brought up using the fake eggs because that worked for us. My girls didn't like the golf balls and kicked them out onto the floor of the coop. I bought fake eggs, put them in the nesting boxes, and they arranged them the way THEY wanted them. The one I have that is laying goes in there every morning between 9 and 11 and lays her yummy orb of white nutritional goodness right next to 2 lovely fake wooden eggs. I've tried moving one of the eggs out into another nesting box, and I don't know how she does it but she moves it back into HER nest and keeps both fake eggs where she lays.

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