Who else thinks we've all gone mad?

I have a "chick room" upstairs in my house. The rest of the birds are n the barn.

Technically the room is part of the attic, but it's small & clean enough to hold cages that need heat.

And also it's warmer than the barn this time of year.

In the past I have told non-chicken people that I have chicks in the house, but I found that's when they start calling you "the crazy chicken lady"

I'd rather be called "that weird woman from away"
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Doesn't everyone turn their sunrooms into a house-chicken, sparrow, cat & occasional-duck, living space?

My co-workers all think I'm really weird. They're not sure how all the animals get along, but they do.
It's a strange addiction. It feels so natural, it creeps up on you. You don't even realize it until it is FAR too late to save yourself.

You don't even feel strange telling people about the weird things you do.

Chicken Math allows you to "not buy any more chickens" while still adding to your flock, considerably.

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I have a brooder full of baby quail.. three cages of egg laying adult quail.. a brooder with half grown ducklings in it.. (the older chickens moved outside last week.). eggs due to hatch out the end of next week.. and 5 emu eggs in one bator.. another emu egg due here tomorrow.. and 6 more due to arrive by the end of the month.. as well as a very rude african grey and a conure... all in the house..

we don't want to discuss all the non fowl living here...
I was reading your original post about shoveling with a chicken in your coat, and I thought, "sounds normal to me!" I guess I'm so crazy that I 've adjusted to a new normal. Ha Ha! I almost didn't notice.

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