Who gives these people GUNS!? slight rant... not too long I promise!

I feel your pain. I lived 100 miles from New York City, in the foothills of the Catskills. Crazy people with firearms, who'd barely been out of the city, were loosed in the woods every deer season. We would stop hiking in the fall, it was simply too dangerous. Many of my friends who still hiked, or lived in the country would put blaze orange vests on their dogs so they wouldn't get shot. While I lived there, one guy tried to shoot a deer from his car. He was trying to shoot across a road way. He used his vinyl topped car as a gun rest, and managed to shoot his buddy who was sitting in the car. In Dutchess County, across the river from where I lived, there is a lot of serious horse farming. One year a blanketed $50,000 thoroughbred was shot in the pasture. Oops.
We have good hunting land, and the neighbors know they are welcome to hunt, just stop and let me know they are back there. However, the trouble is the city idiots, who once a year pick up a gun and become an expert. The kids are now teenagers, and I still won't let them hang outside first day of any season.
Yeah we have Conservation Restoration Program land directly acrsoo the dirt road from our house and they hunt that like mad so my kids arent allowed to play outdoor, even with blaze on, till the first weekend is past. We kind of freeze every time we hear a shot wondering where its flying.
I told DH to turn them in but he didnt want them to come back and light our hay shed on fire, shoot a cow, or drive the corn down. I am taking down their plates next time I see them anyways and talking to DNR about it.
Being raised in a conservative pro-gun home I definitely dont like gun laws even being talked about, no ones taking my guns away thanks very much. I think that there should be more to hunter's safety than there is, maybe a required 10yr refresher or something because I tell ya I dont recall ANY of my class 12 years ago, and only know gun safety so well because of being raised in a hunting home. Most ppl arent raised that way and need more than a once in a lifetime course on it.
Call the wild life management/game wardon/ whatever you gall them there. They will set up a robot deer and arrest the shooters.

In Alabama they would loose their weapons, truck, and a huge fine...We call that POACHING.
I have often said I would give my time and gas for free to be a game warden in our area during hunting season. The mountains of tickets I would write.

I think that the problem people know the regulations, but they just don't care. That's why it's so important to turn in the violators. If they are caught, they won't be able to get tags. The if they hunt without tags and get turned in, they will have some hefty penalties. Enforcement is the only real answer, and there is no enforcement without people filing complaints.

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