Who gives these people GUNS!? slight rant... not too long I promise!

Awww, you're too nice. You can turn them down. I hate that you are a prisoner on your own property during one of the most beautiful seasons!

What about just letting them know this year when they ask that this is the last year that you are allowing hunting as you feel it is over-hunted and want to give it time to re-stock. If they are really your friends then they will be fine with it and you have given them a WHOLE YEAR to find another spot.
I think that the problem people know the regulations, but they just don't care. That's why it's so important to turn in the violators. If they are caught, they won't be able to get tags. The if they hunt without tags and get turned in, they will have some hefty penalties. Enforcement is the only real answer, and there is no enforcement without people filing complaints.

This is the problem...the kind of people who "hunt" like this do not really care about regulations or laws of any kind, therefore more teaching is not the problem. I would vote for these people, once caught violating hunting laws, should be banned from ever having guns again and arrested on sight if they violate this ban.

Teaching is not the deficit, morals are the deficit here. I know you can't legislate morals, but you can certainly make it harder for these folks to break the laws by not allowing them to ever possess a firearm, legally, again.

But then, this sort of mentality does not care about legal, do they?
had me a similiar situation about a year or two back. Somebody was jacklighting in the soybean on the east side of the house. Called the cops, they found nothing. 2nd night in a row the fools are back at midnight jacklighting again. Call the cops. Obviously the fools heard something because they started shooting at sounds and directly towards my house. The second night I was prepared and fired off a 30 round clip. 3rd night in a row..... it was all quiet.

Moral of the story, shoot at me, I shoot back. Trespass on private property, the castle doctrines are in effect. Human life isn't the same for those that have no common sense. If idiots were constantly culled from the herd so to speak we wouldn't be in the mess we're in, in the world today.
ONe thing, it's against the law ANYWHERE to shoot from the road and to SHOOT anywhere near any buildings. "OH Sorry, you don't have a sign posted" bull
They could of shot your hubby and then it would have been 10x more SERIOUS then an "OH SORRY!"
Exactly, and if we can't shoot them, we should at least be able to have them spayed/neutered.

Actually we can... Depending on your state...... Somebody entering my property with a firearm will be killed immediately. completely legal according to the castle doctrines.
My grandfather lives in Michigan. He knocked an armed robber unconscious (don't mess with a former navy boxing champ, they just get meaner as they get older) on his property, and when it was all said and done he (my grandfather) lost the lawsuit and almost did time for assault. For your own protection, you should double check what you believe castle doctrine in Michigan states.

Or you could just use a silencer and a shovel. That works too.
Actually we can... Depending on your state...... Somebody entering my property with a firearm will be killed immediately. completely legal according to the castle doctrines.

I meant stupid people in general, not just wayward poachers. Hey, if you're a real good shot, you could neuter them while shooting them!
My grandfather lives in Michigan. He knocked an armed robber unconscious (don't mess with a former navy boxing champ, they just get meaner as they get older) on his property, and when it was all said and done he (my grandfather) lost the lawsuit and almost did time for assault. For your own protection, you should double check what you believe castle doctrine in Michigan states.

Or you could just use a silencer and a shovel. That works too.

GD, the bill passed in 2006.. when was your grandfather's incident? The problem I see is that you have to shoot and make sure they are dead. You shoot to maim and your just asking for trouble. I know it's only a matter of an inch of sight difference to the shooter but to the one being shot its the choice of loosing an arm or loosing their life.

Moral of the story, shoot to kill if you have to shoot at all.

(in your grandpa's case, hit him again, hit em again)
PS, here's a brief list of the laws and you can look up each bill by number on Michigan's legislative website

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fairfax, VA-Today Governor Jennifer Granholm signed into law a package of six self-defense bills backed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), bringing “Castle Doctrine” protections to law-abiding Michigan citizens.

“I want to thank the Michigan Legislature and Governor Jennifer Granholm for working together in making this victims’ rights bill into law,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “When you’re confronted by a criminal, you don’t have the luxury of time. This Castle Doctrine package states that if victims choose to stand their ground and fight, their decision will not be second-guessed by the State of Michigan. The ability to protect yourself, your children, or your spouse from harm is important, whether you're in your home or outside.”

The six-bill Castle Doctrine Package passed with bi-partisan, supermajority support in both houses of the Michigan legislature:

SB 1046, sponsored by Sen. Alan Cropsey, outlines rebuttal presumptions for justified use of self-defense. The bill makes it clear that there is no “duty to retreat” if a person is in a place where they have a legal right to be.

SB 1185, sponsored by Sen. Ron Jelinek, allows for the award of court and attorney fees in civil cases where it was determined a person acted in accordance with the Self Defense Act and where civil immunities apply.

HB 5548, sponsored by Rep. Tim Moore, gives civil immunities to persons acting in accordance with the Self Defense Act, preventing criminals and their families from suing law-abiding citizens.

HB 5153, sponsored by Rep. Leslie Mortimer, puts the burden of proof on the prosecutor to show that a person acted unlawfully in the application of force, rather than the person using the force having to prove they acted lawfully.

HB 5142, sponsored by Rep. Tom Casperson, expands the definition of “dwelling” to include a person’s garage, barn, backyard, etc.

HB 5143, sponsored by Rep. Rick Jones, creates the Self Defense Act and specifies that it is not a crime to use force or deadly force to defend oneself if that person is not breaking any laws when defensive force was used. The person must be facing imminent threat of death or great bodily harm.

“On behalf of all NRA members in Michigan, I want to thank each of the bills’ chief sponsors for their leadership in seeing these measures become law,” concluded Cox. “The Castle Doctrine is about putting the law back on the side of the victim, the way it’s supposed to be.”

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