Who has a problem peeling boiled eggs?

OK, I need to correct myself............I put two unpeeled boiled eggs that were boiled like the OP in the refrigerator over night and peeled one cold straight from the fridge with terrible results. The other one I ran very hot water over for about 15-30 seconds and it peeled flawlessly and quickly. So, it appears that one could keep the boiled eggs intact in the fridge after boiling and easily peel them at your leisure by either running hot water over the shell or maybe even soaking the egg in very hot (or even boiling) water for a few seconds. You would only want the shell to get hot, not the egg, so don't leave the egg in the hot water no more than 30 seconds or so.

I wonder if you could microwave for 5 seconds or so to heat up the shell without having an egg bomb explosion? Hmmmm, gotta try that.

I am going to boil some more and put a couple more unpeeled ones in the fridge and try the hot water method again tomorrow morning.

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I have to admit, I'm doubtful. I tried some method I read on here, advising baking soda in the water to change the Ph level and loosen the membrane. Failed. I've tried vinegar. Failed. Cold water/ice water bath after boiling. Failed. Can't see why this method would be any better. I'm still gonna try it, though....I'm a glutton for punishment! I only have one hen laying right now, so I have some farm market eggs in the fridge - will give it a whirl this afternoon.

Can you clarify for me if you reduce the boil to a simmer after you add the eggs? Seems otherwise, you'll end up with the unappealing green/grey ring around the yolk.
I always make sure I use the oldest eggs for boiling, if you boil up today's eggs they are much harder to peel than ones that are say a week old!
I have to admit, I'm doubtful. I tried some method I read on here, advising baking soda in the water to change the Ph level and loosen the membrane. Failed. I've tried vinegar. Failed. Cold water/ice water bath after boiling. Failed. Can't see why this method would be any better. I'm still gonna try it, though....I'm a glutton for punishment! I only have one hen laying right now, so I have some farm market eggs in the fridge - will give it a whirl this afternoon.

Can you clarify for me if you reduce the boil to a simmer after you add the eggs? Seems otherwise, you'll end up with the unappealing green/grey ring around the yolk.

A doubting Thomas, a skeptic....lol.....I was too.

Put the cold eggs into a pot of rolling boiling water, use a big spoon or other means so you don't burn yourself and boil for 11-12 minutes. I didn't turn the fire down to a simmer, I let it BOIL. You will have a fluffy YELLOW yolk with NO green/grey ring. Try it, you'll like it....honest injun!

Now in all honesty I did a dozen this morning of FRESH eggs (2 days old) and only one cracked when I put it in the boiling water AND I put them in there straight from the fridge. Follow the first post and you can thank me later....lol.

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A doubting Thomas, a skeptic....lol.....I was too.

Put the cold eggs into a pot of rolling boiling water, use a big spoon or other means so you don't burn yourself and boil for 11-12 minutes. I didn't turn the fire down to a simmer, I let it BOIL. You will have a fluffy YELLOW yolk with NO green/grey ring. Try it, you'll like it....honest injun!

Now in all honesty I did a dozen this morning of FRESH eggs (2 days old) and only one cracked when I put it in the boiling water AND I put them in there straight from the fridge. Follow the first post and you can thank me later....lol.

I'm even more doubtful now, lol - I will report back, for sure!
I'm even more doubtful now, lol - I will report back, for sure!

Just do three or four to ease your doubting mind.............lol. Follow the instructions, boiling water, cold eggs, 11-12 minutes, dump out boiling water and rinse with COLD water a minute or two, crack and peel.....................then get back on here and report your success!!!!!

Don't forget to inspect your yolk and tell us about it. Is it green or grey? No? Bright yellow and fluffy, right?!!

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Just do three or four to ease your doubting mind.............lol. Follow the instructions, boiling water, cold eggs, 11-12 minutes, dump out boiling water and rinse with COLD water a minute or two, crack and peel.....................then get back on here and report your success!!!!!

Don't forget to inspect your yolk and tell us about it. Is it green or grey? No? Bright yellow and fluffy, right?!!


I hope so....the science doesn't make sense, but I'd love to be wrong!

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