Who has a problem peeling boiled eggs?

I haven't been on BYC for months and could not resist reading another thread on how to boil fresh eggs. Why? Because you used the same method it took me a long time to be willing to try and the only one I have used since trying it. (I do cover my eggs, once they have come back to a boil I turn the heat off and time them). 90+% peel perfect and none have green rings. I used to put ice in the water for a quick cool down but have found it doesn't make much difference. The method of putting them in boiling water works whether they are fresh from the chicken, fridge or counter top and age has nothing to do with it.

I am pleased to see your thread shows evidence of folks trying it and giving feed back regarding how successful the method is. On most threads it is taken over by folks who want to add salt,or vinegar, age eggs, steam them, bake them in the oven or just spend money on a gadget that you break into and they come out shaped like an egg!

BTW, I learned this much earlier than you: I was 64 and have only been cooking since I was 8. My son said he had no trouble with boiling the fresh eggs I gave him. I asked how he cooked them and he said he boiled the water and put them in. Obviously I didn't teach him how to boil eggs nor had he read a cook book.

In recent years I have watched a lot of the TV program Chopped. One night it was most entertaining to watch them get green chicken eggs to cook. One young lady really freaked out about those. She lost because she could not boil an egg properly! She put it in cold water and when she could not peel it well, she blamed it on their color. Some folks just do better with 3 month old factory eggs from the store!

Thanks for letting me visit a bit.

I posted this because I have tried everything and FINALLY came upon the directions in the OP here once I had tried this method. I actually found it on an RV thread and was somewhat amused that someone was playing the readers for idiots by telling them to put refrigerated cold eggs into boiling water. I thought, "yeah, right!", they'll explode or something and that guy is laughing at all who try. So, being not the brightest bulb in the house I tried several eggs just to prove him right and that I indeed was an idiot..........hmmmm.

Well, it worked, it worked, it worked!! And I was so impressed by the simplicity and ease of peeling that I started this thread passing this on to others that have always had a hard time peeling hard boiled eggs.

Those "doubting Thomas's" that have tried this method seem to be very happy that they took the plunge and did it my way. (I claim it now, lol). And, those that have always done it that way, why didn't you ever tell me? Again, lol.

I really enjoy reading the posts of y'all that have now tried it and like it and those of you that have always done it this way too.

Lol...take a bow
Thank you for passing this on...I usually tear the eggs up and they look awful

I've done it this way a few times and it works PERFECTLY every time.

When I peel them I peel "around the middle" and then the top and bottom half just fall off, just like kids plastic Easter eggs!
I am 67 years old and I just learned how to peel soft or hard boiled eggs without tearing up the egg and in under 10 seconds per egg! Follow this simple easy anybody can do it recipe for easy peeling of eggs. Put a pot of water on your stove and bring to a rolling boil. Remove eggs from your refrigerator and using a large spoon gently put the cold eggs in boiling water. You may cover if you wish and boil 11 minutes for soft boiled or 15 for harder boiled eggs. When your time is up remove and drain and run cold water over eggs for a minute or two. I peel them under a bit of running water but not necessary. Even if an egg cracks when you put it in boiling water, it will still peel very easily. Not many even crack though, maybe one out of a dozen, but it is still good. Some or many of you on here already know this, but I didn't and I am sure there are others that don't. Now I can just hear the doubting Thomas's think I'm pulling their leg by suggesting a cold egg in boiling water, right? Well, somebody on here who like me, has always had trouble peeling eggs will try this and they will then thank this old man.
I am 67 years old and I just learned how to peel soft or hard boiled eggs without tearing up the egg and in under 10 seconds per egg!

Follow this simple easy anybody can do it recipe for easy peeling of eggs.

Put a pot of water on your stove and bring to a rolling boil.
Remove eggs from your refrigerator and using a large spoon gently put the cold eggs in boiling water.
You may cover if you wish and boil 11 minutes for softer boiled, not soft boiled or 15 for harder boiled eggs.
When your time is up remove and drain and run cold water over eggs for a minute or two.
I peel them under a bit of running water but not necessary.
Even if an egg cracks when you put it in boiling water, it will still peel very easily.
Not many even crack though, maybe one out of a dozen, but it is still good.

Some or many of you on here already know this, but I didn't and I am sure there are others that don't.

Now I can just hear the doubting Thomas's think I'm pulling their leg by suggesting a cold egg in boiling water, right? Well, somebody on here who like me, has always had trouble peeling eggs will try this and they will then thank this old man.


Those that try it, post your results......
Updated "soft" to "softer".................sorry.
Yes, I tried the eleven minutes and it is clearly too long. Will experiment and report back. I love soft boiled eggs but hate getting bits of shell in them and have never perfected the cutting off the top and using an egg cup approach. I have a broody hen who was happy to nibble at the softer boiled egg, so nothing went waste. re
Eureka! At last, the perfect soft boiled egg! I Followed all the previously chronicled directions but only let the egg boil for 6 minutes. Took it off the heat and ran it under the cold water until I could handle it. Gently knocked it on the counter and peeled under little stream of water and viola! All in one piece, whites were cooked, but you could tell you were not holding a hard boiled egg. I put it in my bowl and used a spoon to open it and the wonderfully hot, liquid yolk came forth. There was a small amount of the yolk that was more firm, so I might try 5mins 30secs next time. But no more eating soft boiled eggs with bits of shell lurking in them

Thanks so much charlindabob for starting this thread. I will think kind thoughts of you each time we enjoy our soft boiled eggs!
Everyone has no problems peeling eggs huh? I feel like the Lone Ranger in that I must be the only person on here that had trouble peeling eggs, whether they are fresh or not. I have 3 quarts of pickled eggs in the refrigerator now and I am going to make a few soft boiled eggs for lunch today. For once, I actually enjoy peeling the eggs. (I wonder why it is called peeling instead of shelling?) Has anybody tried this method yet?
I am 67 years old and I just learned how to peel soft or hard boiled eggs without tearing up the egg and in under 10 seconds per egg! Follow this simple easy anybody can do it recipe for easy peeling of eggs. Put a pot of water on your stove and bring to a rolling boil. Remove eggs from your refrigerator and using a large spoon gently put the cold eggs in boiling water. You may cover if you wish and boil 11 minutes for soft boiled or 15 for harder boiled eggs. When your time is up remove and drain and run cold water over eggs for a minute or two. I peel them under a bit of running water but not necessary. Even if an egg cracks when you put it in boiling water, it will still peel very easily. Not many even crack though, maybe one out of a dozen, but it is still good. Some or many of you on here already know this, but I didn't and I am sure there are others that don't. Now I can just hear the doubting Thomas's think I'm pulling their leg by suggesting a cold egg in boiling water, right? Well, somebody on here who like me, has always had trouble peeling eggs will try this and they will then thank this old man.
Those that try it, post your results......
Try it my way and after running the cold water on the eggs for a minute, put a couple in the fridge WITHOUT peeling and then peel them tomorrow and tell me what you think.
edit: I have never done this with room temperature eggs as ours are always refrigerated, so your results could vary.
I have tried that and find it works the best! :goodpost:

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