Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

GeorgRodway, I doubt that your embryo would stick to the shell with turning three times a day, even if you missed a turn one day. I only turned my eggs 2-3 times a day and didn't have any problems like that. Perhaps it is something else?
Sometimes chicks are really still (I guess sleeping or resting) when in the egg. I know I've had my doubts about plenty of eggs and would stare at it for 10 minutes before I was sure it had moved a tiny bit.
On the other hand it could've died and is on one side of the egg for that reason. Sometimes it just really hard to tell. I recommend candling again in a day or two before tossing. If there is ANY doubt that it is still alive, don't toss it!!!! :)
It's day 14 and I'm not sure :/ arghhhhh :( of the 3 remaining white silkie eggs from the batch of 10 I ordered 2 I know have died they have a horrible red circle round them so I'm left with 1 :( but the chick should surely move freely with the egg as I move it x.
I just hate reading this thread. I got rid of my rabbits cause we would have traveled too far to get more of the same breed. I thought the quail would be easier because I could have then shipped in.
Sounds to me like the extra it might cost to order eggs from the hatchery might be worth it.
HELP!!! Anyone with advice: On day 23 of hatching White Ameraucanas. No pipping happening yet but I just candled and see faint movement in all but one. What can I do? I've never had this before. Can I help them at some point? Should I wait it out (I've heard some people say they've had successful hatches at 25 or 26 days - although this sounds suspicious to me.) When do I give up and call it day. The fact that they've all been developing normally and NONE have even pipped makes me want to try and wait it out, but how long? Should I try to help? Can anyone please give advice? This is completely unchartered territory for me.
I would personally wait it out if you see movement. There is a chance your incubator runs cool or your thermometer is off a bit and eggs do develop slower at lower temps.
When you candled, could you see movement in the air cells? If so that would mean they pipped internally and are working away at pipping the shell. If you candle again, put the egg up to your ear and listen for tapping or tiny chirping.
So far I've not had any late hatches, but like you, I've heard positive things about them so try not to worry too much yet! :)
Thanks Starlingdaly. I'll give them more time and try to be patient. I didn't hear anything when I candled them and the movement I saw did not appear to be in the airsac. I'll keep hoping. : )
So sorry to hear about that GeorgRodway. :(
Let us know how it's looking tomorrow. Hopefully it is still alive and just behaving weirdly!
Maybe someone with an experience like yours will see this thread and have some input.

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