Who here has house birds

Do you have a house bird

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This is mine. I know it looks plain but she doesn't like to complicated of a cage. She mainly perfers to stay on 1 perch and be on my chair outside of her cge. Dont worry i replaced they rope perch yesterday.
Mine is in oh geez. 4 x 3 x 4? ?? he's got plenty of room in it to run around and get in trouble, but he's only in there really when I am not home or at night when its bed time.

luckily he also sees his cage as safety, if something scares him or I get really mad and tell him YOU are going to get your ass beat...he'll head straight for his cage and he'll even close the door beind him :)

He came with the cage, its heavy gauge wire so he can't chew it obviously. got two wooden perches and some hangy stuff to play with. I have a few steel spoons hanging from the top he bangs around and a plastic thing with little pellets in it that pour from side to side thru 4 different compartments he'll play with too.

Parrot toys, yah thats funny. You can spend 100 dollars on a toy and he'll look at it andbe like meh...but LOVE the box it came in and play with that for 2 weeks straight.

When I get socks that get tore up, Ill let him chew and play with them too, he also loves that.

Random question - has anyone who has big birds been successful in potty training them? Is it even possible?
yes, it IS possible.
you want to praise them but NOT reward them when they do crap where you want them to.

Good BOY !!!! Paco make Poo Poo... and thats it.
NEVER give a snack for crapping..the bird will be taking a dump every 2 minutes to get a treat if you do that.
yes, it IS possible.
you want to praise them but NOT reward them when they do crap where you want them to.

Good BOY !!!! Paco make Poo Poo... and thats it.
NEVER give a snack for crapping..the bird will be taking a dump every 2 minutes to get a treat if you do that.
Hmm, never thought of that.

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