Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Miss Prissy, My Goose hatched last night at about 8:30pm, What a wonderful Mothers Day presant. I did have trouble with the humidity, the wet sock didn't really help that much. I think AZ's was 6% yesterday. Know what I did to get it up? I have a Hovabator 1602N still air so I pulled it to the edge of the counter so it hung over about 2 inches, just enough to expose the fresh air holes in the bottom curve, then I took my humidifyer that I used when my kids would get sick and set it on a chair under the incubator with a tin pie plate wedged around it to concentrate the steam up towards the bator. I lowered the dry thermomoter level to 100 degrees and monitored it to make sure is was stable and just watched the wet bulb. I was able to reach between 75 & 80 percent humidity in about 5 minutes and the bator maintained it after that.

I think I would have lost that little goose if I hadn't done this procedure. It had pipped friday night at 10:30pm and nothing else untill I got the humidity up then it just popped right out. I really had to watch though because I was worried the hot steam would heat up the inside too much but it seemed pretty effortless.

This is my first goose and they are so different from chicks! Their feet crack me up - they are huge! And so lovable - I'm Another Other Mother for sure!

Thanks for all your help, Now I'm off to wait on my other chicks, ducks and turkeys to hatch. Countdown is 10 days for chicks and 17 for the rest. Will keep you posted.

Happy Mothers Day!
From: Their Other Mother
Just put little goosie in the brooder, any objection to using alfalfa leaves instead of wood shavings? I also have some alfalfa sprouts that my chicks love, can goosie have some too?
Today is day 19. Came home from the inlaws. Went to check the egg temp and there was a baby in there! Totally didn't expect that. Also have 2 little semipips. Just barely crackin the shell. That baby only took 2 hrs or less to hatch because my mom had just checked the eggs. Love the egg carton. I have a silkie! Waitin on my frizzle? dominique silkie polish BO brahma mille fleur mix babies. Will post pic Monday of chick #1 sleeping in an empty spot in the egg carton. This is my first hatch and definately the first of many more. This is great!
Congrats to all with chick and good luck to those waiting!
CONGRATS to everyone and Happy Mothers DAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back to day one today. I drove 95 miles to pick up eggs. 12 Ameraucana/Araucana. This is my third time for hatching and my last for the year. I'm hoping to have a better hatch rate seeing I didn't need the PO. Thank God. It was a bonus that I drove because we got to see her Alpacas and I got to feed a 2 week old orphan. It was great.
I now have 3 good size pips and one lil pip and one chick! The one looks like its about to pop thru. I may see some action tonight. The chick is going around talking to all the other eggs trying to coax someone out to play. Its so cute!
I now have a black silkie. The count is currently 2 chicks and 5 pips.6 with no action yet. It's past midnight so I'm now on day 20. Hope everyone else's hatch is going well. Watching that chick hatch was the coolest thing I've ever seen.
I completely forget to tell you I have a humidifier in the room when hatching goose eggs!

I am glad your baby hatched. They are so very cute!

Good luck everyone else on your hatches.

Where's the photos Vamp? We wanna see!
My Mom will post pics when she gets to work. She's just now leaving cause she watched 2 hatch! I emailed her a bunch of pics (this computer is actually my phone) so she'll get em up here eventually today!

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