Who is setting eggs today - 4/14?

Please let me know how your invention works! I thought about hatching in egg cartons this time, but didn't with the ones in the "hatcher" right now. I have some Black Copper Marans eggs four days behind and I might try something with those. I'd really like to see a lot of them hatch and have always wondered if getting knocked around causes some to not hatch.
I Am a nervous wreck. ! Mine are due to hatch Sunday. I took out the egg turner and laid them ll on the wire floor. I tried to angle the large part of the egg upward. Hope I wasn't too soon. it is 72 hours away from what would be day 21. How closely do you need to watch them while they hatch. What is the average amount of time for them to get out of the shell? I understand you should leave them in the incubator until they are dry and fluffy. i take it you don't want to open the incubator after you ... lock it down. looking for confirmation or correction. Thanks All! Cloaking... yay for your first early bird!
You've got it chickenhugger -- Mine went into lock down yesterday afternoon. You put them in and forget about them. I've always read that you can technically leave them in the incubator for up to 72 hours after they hatch. Taking chicks out can cause the other pipped chicks to shrink-wrap. I've never been able to do it, though.

Start listening for peeps inside the incubator tomorrow.

Now the waiting begins........................
Hmm... my incubator beeps obnoxiously at me when it gets below 45% humidity and I can't work out how to change it, so it's been around there the entire time. I'm not sure if I can get it higher for lockdown or not.
If found a somewhat helpful video somewhere on youtube for candling eggs. It's hard to tell when you don't know what you're looking for, isn't it? Hopefully, someone on here will chime in as well.

I see you said your eggs will be 13-14 days. You should be able to see veining and even some movement if you look closely. Are they darker or colored eggs? Those can be so difficult and I usually just leave them be until the end. Although, if one of mine exploded it might make me more concerned about getting them out.

Good luck!
I have a vague idea what I'm looking for but none seem to match what I've been told!

Well, I candled again last night (that was Day 15) and removed a further dozen or so eggs which looked clear all the way through. I'm down to 34 eggs now. One of the ones I removed had been developing like I'd been told the first time I candled but hadn't developed further at all so that was sad. There were a couple of eggs which looked promising though - a small chick-shaped (I think) blog with veins, and I could see the blob moving a bit! Yay!

Anyway, the eggs are a bit of a mix. Some are very pale and white, some bantams and some are ISA Brown eggs so quite dark. I just got mixed fertilised eggs from a couple of people for quite cheap (first hatch in yonks, new incubator) and even they said they didn't know what the fertility rate was like, so no high expectations but a couple of chicks would be good!

There are more questions I want to ask but I must go now, so will ask later.
from Rachel.
Well, looks like you guys are doing awesome! Just put 43 chicks on lo kdown here and am looking forward to my best hatch ever! (8 is my best so far...). Cant wait for Sunday!

Also have 5 duck eggs and 2 goose eggs as well, but they are a little behind the chickens so I hope the humidity spike doesn't do too much damage. GOOD LUCK TO ALL
Congrats on all the new chicks! Mine are due Sunday. I candled last night and 5 out of the 6 looked good. 5 is half full of chick but I'm unsure because I didn't really see any movement. I saw movement in the other eggs so I'm excited to see what the Easter Egger chicks will look like since the dad could be one of two roosters, a standard BLRW, or a black tailed bantam. I'm sure it will be easy to tell who is who because the dad's are so completely different!!

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