Who is setting eggs today - 4/14?

I also candled all my Araucana eggs last night.
Out of the 11 I have left from the dozen I started all are looking great - lots of development!!!

Looking forward to see how many actually hatch.
I'm gonna candle again tonight and see what's going on with my babies. I have 6 eggs left from the original 41!!! Most all of my bantam egg were unfertilized though so I guess I'll have to try again with the bantams. I now have 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs, 2 blue eggs from my EE (father is between my other BLRW roo and my cute little bantam roo, George), and 1 little bantam egg. I've got my fingers crossed that all is well. Lockdown will be starting on May 4th I believe! I'm so hoping these guys do well. I would like to have better luck with my bantams but they seem pretty tough to hatch. I'm hoping my one bantam I hatched last month turns out to be hen so little George will have at least one lady his size!!

Starting to get feathers now and has a large personality. I'm named him/her Napoleon because the personality is large for such a tiny bird!
I don’t want to jinx myself, but after candling, I only lost 1 out of 42. I know you should never count your chicks before they hatch, but a guy can dream!!
Well, haven't posted in a while because I was pretty sure I had killed all of mine. Had made some modifications to my home-made incubator, doubling the capacity from 30 to 60, thought I had the temperature almost stabilized and went to bed. The next morning the temp was 107.8, so I was afraid I had killed them all, and was just treating it as chance to work out the kinks with eggs in there. Did finally get it squared away after some wild temp fluctuations, and much to my surprise they were looking pretty good when I candled them! Looks like I may even have 3 duck and 1 goose egg that are actually developing as well. Will candle them again and let you all know how they are doing!

Hope they make it! That's scary when the equipment goes haywire.
Well, the candeling looks good... only sampled about 1/2 of them but there was only one obvious one that I had to get rid of. Could see some really good movement on one of them as well, which I hadn't seen before. Was very cool! How is everybody else's eggs doing?
I candled several of mine last night and could see movement in them as well! There are two that seem goners, but I'll check again before lock down. The marans eggs are always a challenge as well.

Most of mine will hatch around Saturday and then the 12 marans should hatch 4 days later. Since I didn't get another incubator it's all going to have to happen in one. Any suggestions? Has anyone tried hatching in egg cartons?

Happy incubating!
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I wanted to candle earlier in the week but haven't gotten time to get around and do it yet. I'm hoping to do it tonight! I've got 17 chicks in the house right now of three different ages! I've got to get my first batch acclimated to being outside full time by next weekend because I have to have somewhere to put my new babies! lol! Spring is crazy at my house! People come to visit and they think I have a lot of chicks but I have a tiny amount compared to some people I know!!!! Anyone have ideas on how to take good pictures of candling eggs? Every time I try you can't really see anything. I even tried to take a video but my camera record it as a sound file which really puzzled me. I keep trying though. I'll eventually get a good picture of egg candling!
I did sneak a peek at some of my eggs the other night. All of them look really good! I have 6 set to hatch on May 5th! We are getting into the home stretch here everyone! This is the last week of incubator! I hope everyone has pictures of lots of new chicks this weekend! We're going to have a really great hatch this weekend everyone!!! I really can't wait to see what comes out of my mystery bantam egg from a friend. I don't know if it will be a silver sebright, golden sebright, or creole bantam! I'm also curious as to what is in those blue shelled eggs! The daddy could be a BLRW roo or my little black tailed bantam roo! This is going to be a really fun hatch!!

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