Who Keeps Bees and Poultry?

Noticed that my orchard were missing bees in it. I decided that everything else needed to hit pause so I could check my hives.
All 4 of my bees were gone....:barnieWhat I thought was busy activity was robbing wild or swarmed bees. :th
This is the first time since 2013 that I haven't had bees make it through the winter.
I was sick, I was gutted. I was sure that it would be impossible to find bee packages right now, whenever I needed them before I ordered them in January.
I couldn't find any in my usual places or some alternative places.
Then I wondered if my membership in the Iowa Honey Producers Association would get me somewhere with any other fellow members. Thankfully it did. I got the 2 packages I wanted even: 1 package with an Italian Queen, and 1 package with a Saskatraz Queen.
After driving 3 hours there to get them and 3 hours back with my husband, we installed them about 6 pm last night.
I know what the problems were: too much shade from new volunteer elm trees, made trying to keep on top of moths and hive beetles a constant battle. Sometimes we were winning and then we lost big...
I'm upset about my bees both leaving, dieing, etc. but I'm excited for the fresh start in a new location.
I've got chickens and plan on starting bees next year. I bought a top bar hive very inexpensively for when it happens. I'm keeping my eye on Craigslist for more top hive deals. I just can't wait for Covid lockdown to start easing so I can take beekeeping classes :(
How's everyone's hives doing now that summer is on full swing?
I just put on my 2nd honey super. Both hives are going strong but everything is drying up with no rain and this horrible heat.

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