who prefers bale hay over pine shavings?

We live in a hot, humid area. We tried hay and it kept getting moldy, even though I changed it fairly often. We have switched back to wood chips and don't have the same problem. Of course, it won't be as hot in some places as it is here in the South.
I have horses so I use left over hay. Works fine, no probs
I had a Polish choke to death on a chip- GO HAY ALL THE WAY~! I read that chips will clog their gizard and it can lead to a slow death. Mine was lucky and choked. One BYCer suggested that I put apple cider vinegar in the water to soften the pine fibers of the chip. Might have worked if my girl lasted longer. Good luck!
never hears of pellets? wouldnt the chickens eat those too? or are they very different looking from feed pellets?
I use pine shaving. I have never had any problems. I have never seen my birds eat it. I do give them baled alfalfa to scratch and munch on.
We've just started with a few Ameracauna chicks and are using shavings. I have heard of using ground corn cobs. At the local TS they offered pelleted corn cobs, but the worker felt it was better used for equines and that chickens would eat the pellets (and horses wouldn't?). Anyways, I stuck w/the shavings, but would consider trying the corn cob pellets. It claims to absorb 18 x the amount of liquid. May mean a cleaner smelling coop! Anybody use this?
Pine on the floors and straw in the boxes. If a box gets soiled I just throw it on the floor and let them stir it in with the shavings. I also tried paper shredding from a local bank. That kinda worked but was too easy to toss out of the nesting box or when soiled became compacted.

I read this thread and kept wondering, why are so many people having problems with chickens eating their bedding??? I see mine pick though it but I can't say I have ever noticed them "eating" straw, shavings, or paper. Maybe feed them more

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