who prefers bale hay over pine shavings?

I used straw in the brooders and now use shavings in the coop. At first they were pecking (probably eating) the shavings as they got used to it, but have toned that down. I do have one (at least just one) with diarrhea, but can't pinpoint WHO.

How do you know if they are having ?crop? problems?
How do you know if they are having ?crop? problems?

They will act 'off '....If you feel their crop you might find it feels large and hard with what seems to feel like a ball of hay.

was just wondering if this could also happen with the shavings...​
No problem at all with the shavings on this end and I just stir them around every week and add a little more. I have yet to change the pine shavings (except in the nest boxes)......for almost 6 months!
I use hay, but thinking about switching to straw. But then I read somewhere that they can eat the straw and then their crop can get impacted so I don't know what to do yet
it seems their crops can get impacted with anything they over indulgein, whether it be shavings/grass/hay/green leafy roughage......

Straw I think would be less likely swallowed, being thicker and harder, mine swallow hay all the time...I get the soft kind so its easy on their feet and when nesting...but I havent had problems... *Taps on my head a few times*

Perhaps best not to overworry???

but no one has answered- which is cheaper?
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I use shavings in the winter, and hay in the summer. The shavings seem to stay cleaner, and my chickens will eat a lot of hay in the winter if I let them. It doesn't seem to have affected them, but it makes me worry since I've had crop problems with other chickens in the past.

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