who prefers bale hay over pine shavings?

I use pine shavings on the coop floor and straw in the nest boxes. I find that the pine shavings are very easy to deal with and clean out. I can turn them over and add a little fresh when it seems to need it. Cleaning time is easy. I shovel it out into a wheelbarrel and dump it. Mine have never eaten the shavings that I've seen. I feel like in my little coop the straw/hay would be messier and harder to observe the droppings (which I do from time to time to make sure all looks normal).
I've seen pine shavings come in two forms - small (almost looks like snow) and large flakes which I currently use with great success. Can't imagine any chicken trying to eat these larger flakes! I've heard of the wood pellets and have considered trying them next time I do a major clean-out of the coop. Wish I could find the website that a guy has who swears by the pellets. If anyone has seen it, please post here! Thanks!
That also means that when it is time to clean the coop you are lifting 18x's the weight, doesn't it? That is another reason I don't use straw or hay. It's heavier when it is wet. I've gone through a couple fork handles...

It may work though. You just need to try it once to see if you like it or not.
I use wood pellets for heat, but never for bedding. I may just try a bag some day to see what it does. It just seems expensive to me. A bag of pellets or shavings is XX lbs but the coverage difference is HUGE!

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