Who's your favorite Bible Teacher and Christian Discussion.

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He probably would say that for sure! However him and I would not agree on scientific viewpoints. However, his thoughtful views and his interpretations of the verses are clearer than any other preacher in my town. Maybe it is his gentleness, with a touch of fatherly passion, and I do think of him highly than any other preachers. If I am to sit and at least listen, Billy would be the one I would chose.

It would be sad day if Billy Graham passes on......he is right up there with Bob Hope when it comes to television. If he can not reach you in person, at least he can reach you in television.

My Dad has alot of his books and he does enjoy him too. I remember when I was growing up, the whole family will sit down in front of the television and watch him. As for hubby, I would chase him out of the room whenever he is on a special or interview.
Billy Graham does exude a love that most other preachers don't... he's the real deal, representing the kind of love that only God can give. I remember the Word of God says that "love conquers all." And all means all. That's the only thing that works... love - not the kind of love most people think of - but unconditional agape love.

But as for all-time favorite teachers, Kay Arthur is my absolute favorite. That woman knows the Word and she is a prayer warrior too. I could listen to her all day.
Glad I popped in! I like Joel Osteen, too. There are a few, who I like.

I do have a question -- Does anybody have favorite book written by Billy Graham or Joel Osteen? I'd like to get a book for hubby.
Pastor William Gates- Was the soft spoken kid in the documentary "Hoop Dreams" (highly, highly recommended), and is now a soft-spoken pastor. I respect his life and what he has done with it. I do not however, agree with much of what he says, nor do statistics.

I also like reading Bishop John Shelby Spong, as even though we do not share the same beliefs, he is out there thinking and questioning, and does not allow fear to limit his ponderings.

As for "large churches" or "mega" churches, I know there are some very good, doctrinally sound, mega churches out there - but we must be careful because the Bible foretells what will happen during the End Times as people choose to leave sound doctine and flock to teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.

Those that include shops are especially troubling to me, not only due to personal beliefs, but also from passages in the Bible. In particular, the 'Cleansing of the Temple' passages. That said, I support their right to exist.
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Hi, could you please tell me where the Bible says that "love conquers all"? I did a word search on five different translations and I couldn't find it. I've tried to think of some other verses that may something similar but can't come up with anything. In 1st Corinthians 13 we do read that "love is the greatest" and that "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" but I can't find anything where it says that it "conquers all things". Unfortunately, love doesn't conquer disobedience, rebellion, and unbelief. Jesus is living proof of that. There is no greater love and yet folks choose to reject Him all the time.

I do not bring this up to be critical but rather just to be truthful. There are a myriad of cliches out there which folks toss around all the time but they just aren't Biblical or they have really thought them thru. The "love conquers all" I think is one of them but if I'm wrong, I'd sure like to know.

And if it is not in the Bible, it's important for folks to know and not say it is. The reason is because The Enemy - Satan - loves to twist the Word of God to fit his purposes. I would submit that the "love conquers all" is behind much, if not all, of the false advice/counsel out there when it comes to relationship issues. For example, rather than confront a Brother or Sister who is in sin when you know it to be the case (i.e. not hearsay or gossip), some will say, "Ya just gotta love 'em." Which is not what the Bible says. Or another example, when a wife is not submitting and respecting her husband as she should, many will say that the husband is not loving her the way he should and therefore it's excusable and the oness is "Well, if he were loving his wife like he should, she would easily submit to him." Anyone who knows the evil power of The Flesh knows it is not "easy" to submit. "Easier" maybe, but not "easy". Anyways, these are just examples, the main point is that we must be careful to know that the Bible says something if we claim that it does and we must be careful to discern when the Word of God is being twisted into something that's not true.

Oh, and while I've not listened to Kay Arthur a whole lot, she does seem to be a very godly woman who knows the Word and rightly divides and teaches it.

God Bless,
I Love Joel Osteen, and Jon Courson, and Greg Laurie. I am not sure why the large churches produce such AWESOME pastors but they do!!! John Courson's radio show is great!!!

I didn't know Jon Courson has a radio show. When is it on? What are the topics? I assume it's on that Calvary Station? I think it's 630 AM here in WA.

I am troubled by the things I've seen Joel Osteen say on TV. You may recall a year or so ago, when on the LKL Show, he refused to say that Jesus was the only way. More recently, I just saw him about a month ago say that he would attend a homosexual (he used the word "gay") wedding. As a pastor, the Bible says he is to be above reproach, and I don't see how one could honor a homosexual marriage while dishonoring the sanctitiy of true marriage as God created it. It's really not that difficult of a choice. If God is not at the wedding, why go?

As for "large churches" or "mega" churches, I know there are some very good, doctrinally sound, mega churches out there - but we must be careful because the Bible foretells what will happen during the End Times as people choose to leave sound doctine and flock to teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.

God Bless,

We all, fall short of the glory of God. Judge not, lest ye be judged
I am in his corner. I have but to look at his full sanctuary and countless empty others to see how many he is bringing to Christ. I don't think trashing our choices was the thing to do. I forgive you!
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Our pastor, Rev Jim Keck is worth a 75 minute drive twice a week. Even the kids aren't complaining about going to church, and that says it all to me - an 8 yo worried we will be late when she could be playing with friends.
I have a daily devotional "Hope For Tomorrow" by Billy that I like and go back and reread every other year or so. Can't speak to Joel Osteen books and due to what I wrote above, I couldn't really recommend him.

But I do have a few suggestions for you: 1) "Tender Warrior" by Stu Weber. The title says it all and Stu is a Marine who served in Vietnam as I recall. 2) Another good and short read is "Maximized Manhood". Don't remember the author. Would have to go find my copy. 3) "From Ashes to Glory" by - oh now I forgot his name but he was the head football coach and University of Boulder and founder of Promise Keepers I believe.

Then there are many other topical type books written for men such as "Reforming Marriage" by Douglas Wilson. Not to mention a host of great books by the likes of Dr. Dobson, Dennis Rainey, and others who have been given specific ministries towards men by God.

Hope that helps.

God Bless,
I didn't know Jon Courson has a radio show. When is it on? What are the topics? I assume it's on that Calvary Station? I think it's 630 AM here in WA.

I am troubled by the things I've seen Joel Osteen say on TV. You may recall a year or so ago, when on the LKL Show, he refused to say that Jesus was the only way. More recently, I just saw him about a month ago say that he would attend a homosexual (he used the word "gay") wedding. As a pastor, the Bible says he is to be above reproach, and I don't see how one could honor a homosexual marriage while dishonoring the sanctitiy of true marriage as God created it. It's really not that difficult of a choice. If God is not at the wedding, why go?

As for "large churches" or "mega" churches, I know there are some very good, doctrinally sound, mega churches out there - but we must be careful because the Bible foretells what will happen during the End Times as people choose to leave sound doctine and flock to teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.

God Bless,

We all, fall short of the glory of God. Judge not, lest ye be judged
I am in his corner. I have but to look at his full sanctuary and countless empty others to see how many he is bringing to Christ. I don't think trashing our choices was the thing to do. I forgive you!

Tailfeathers, my bible says love the sinner hate the sin. It also commands to love others as you would yourself. I assume that means EVERYONE. Easier said than done, for sure, but Mr. Osteen is only exhibiting what he was commanded to do.

Jon Courson is on the Calvary station, here usually at 9 am to 9:30. Greg Laurie is on from 8-9 am.
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