Whose YOUR favorite chicken?

wow there all very beautiful! I wish i could pet every one of them!

keep em' comin!
This is probably one my my LF chicken.
Her name is Elly May and she is a BO (Buff Orpington)
She is the sweetest of ALL my LF (Large Fowl). Shes really funny to watch and just has a great personality!


Shes like my favorite baby! Arent they just the sweetest breed??

Oooo, and I love your Ellie May. I can't wait for spring so I can get a few more BO's to add to the flock. One is just not enough.

This sweet girl is Buffy. She is a Buff Orpington, and is 6 1/2 months old. I love Buffy, because she loves me
. When I am outside Buffy will follow me around the yard, and if she wants my attention she will peck at my leg, and pull on my clothes, as if to say, "Hey I'm down here!". If I sit down for long, Buffy will jump in my lap and "Bawk bawk" to me. She will hang out in the yard with me and be the last hen in the henhouse, but if I'm not out she goes in when everyone else does. Buffy lays a big brown egg, and I put 9 of her eggs in my incubator today.


This is Penny, our Buff Orpington Hen.
She is partially blind; she has one blue and one green eye.
I love her because she'll let me do anything to her... hold her, pet her, put her in a wagon, pull her on a sled and best of all she'll come when I call!

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