Why are my chickens dying??

Hi this is my first post and i made this hole account just to ask if the chickens that u have been getting from tractor supplies been dying because mine are getting really sleepy and then they die. I have lost 2 chickens so far and i am not going to loss another. please help me tell me what i could be doing wrong or if your chickens have been dying to.

Oh TSC...

The problem with them is they ship extremely large batches and some suffocate on the way there and then some dont get dipped because after so many, “wait did we dip that one?” IF that is done at all. I completely dissagree with these huge batches they send. I was at post office today and this woman came in to mail 10,000 chicks. Two boxes, 1 ft by 2 ft each. Wow. 5000 in that space and no telling how long they will be piled up on top of each other. So see why they are in distressed?

Just to be sure, redip every single ones beak into water and make sure they swallow. Do you see any respiratory, such as labored breathing? A really swollen belly?
I rediped their becks and then put a new thing of water in for them and they all ran over and drank from it. And no resptori breathing but they all are pulling out some of there feathers znd are trying to fall asleep standing up.
In my observation, chicks do not care for warmed water and it also creates a bacteria that they can drink. By them getting up eagerly to drink new water, tells me water not right. Some will refuse electrolytes. If so, do every other jar. I leave mine on electronics for 2 weeks. They are in a brooder that is varying in temp. Chills are possible, heat exhaustion from a docile chick hanging around because he is so tired from his buddies stomping him starts dehydration and then there is behavior. Roosters will start showing up. Standing out front and tall, inspecting you with that side eye pose, and hens will start sitting often. Especially when you are looking at them. Biddies love checking out everything. Then at one week old, they start forming their tribe and behavior changes. I got a small camera for my coop. They do way more than you think just not when your around lol

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