Why are my neighbors feeding MY dog??? -rant :)

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Thats what we use! there great!! We have the wireless one.
However we had the one we have to keep tied ( with 100ft rope) before we got the other Aussies and the fence. He dosen't get along with them so he has to stay in a seperate part of the yard
Since it's your dog, it's your responsibility to keep it on your property. No, they shouldn't feed it, but you should still keep it on your property, especially if it's going around killing other people's animals.
*chicken+quail=luv* :

Since it's your dog, it's your responsibility to keep it on your property. No, they shouldn't feed it, but you should still keep it on your property, especially if it's going around killing other people's animals.


and if your neighbor was here on BYC and posted their side of this in the predator and pests forum, we'd advise them to shoot the dog on sight. A fenced dog is one less likely to get in trouble. It's irresponsible to let them run amok and loose.​
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I TOTALLY agree with everyone, I know it is our job to keep him home. Which is why I am so frusterated that they are doing this. I have TRIED to go outside and catch him gone in the middle of the night, so we can train him, but I have never found him gone. So I wonder if its true, but he still isnt hungry...

DH even told them to shoot at him, since he is VERY scared of guns, but they said they wont. So I though maybe we could catch him in the act, so we could teach him better. I really dont like having him tied up, since he keeps the coyotes away, but I guess not if he isnt here..

So I have been tying him up by the chicken coop. I guess I will have to keep it up.
I really understand everyones point, but if they had a dog in my yard, I would teach it never to come back, for its own good.

Where we live hardly ANYONE ties dogs, if they dont stay home they are target practice. That is just the way it is here, right or wrong.

Just a rambling rant!
I agree that your dog should not be roaming loose, and I am sorry that you have this problem. Since a fenced in area can be expensive to build, a temporary solution might be a 10' x 10' x 6' pen/dog kennel. They are $249.00 at Tractor Supply right now.

Keep him in there unless you are right there with him. In order for such a plan to work, you do need to have good voice command of the dog. If he starts loping off, he needs to stop and come back as soon as you say to.

Meanwhile, start checking out fencing options. A decent, not necessarily fancy, fence will not only keep the dog in but will help keep the coyotes out. Six foot posts and four foot chicken wire would stop him, unless he's really agressive. I have a hound who jumps four feet easily- he never goes out anymore without one of us with him. I hate that, but we love the dog and are willing to do that for him. And he loves being a house dog now!

Talk to the neighbors. Explain that by feeding him they are inviting him back. They need to stop. Now. They were totally wrong to feed him, so no restitution should be offered.

Any way you look at it, you should apologize profusely, keep the dog on your property and they should stop inviting the dog to the party!
You are lucky your neighbors are pretty nice. My family and I just took our neighbors to court over their rottweilers. Pets are the owners responsibility. I hope you figure a way to contain and control him soon . Best wishes...
A muzzle would just ensure he'd have no means of defense if a coyote wandered up. I've had huge dogs killed by coyotes, so I wouldn't dream of taking away their one means of defense. It does sound like you need to just tie him next to the coop, unless you have the time and money for that invisible fencing . . . something I know I certainly don't have. I am at a loss as to why people can't understand that feeding a problem animal is a sure ticket to continuing to have problems with that animal. If your dog is smart enough, maybe you can train it to respect boundaries. My grandparents use a cattle prod, and when they get within a certain distance to the border of their land they give their dogs a shock. It's almost creepy how well it works for them, because I'll go on walks with their dogs only to come to a certain point where the dog will stop and refuse to walk forward without being given a command. I've watched them with binoculars chase people's vehicles down the driveway, or chase deer out of a field, and every time they check themselves at a certain point and turn around to come home. Works on the same principal as the electric fence, though you have to rely more on the dog's memory.
We cant put up any kind of fence, we rent. And he is fine in the day time. NEVER leaves. So if I could catch him once or twice, I would be able to scare him into never going back. Like I said, he has been shot at, and he is TERRIFIED of guns. All he has to do is see one, and he runs and hides. So if I could just catch him in the act...

I still wonder, what you you all think about the possibility of them lying about it? I CANT catch him gone!
Some sort of inexpensive surveillance camera, maybe, to track the movements of your dog?
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