Why are my posts blank when I try to post a picture?


Nothing In Moderation
12 Years
May 14, 2009
(SW MO) Nevada, Missouri
My Coop
My Coop
Others are able to use the copy-paste feature from their private albums. Why can't I? I end up with blank posts. However, if you use the "quote" feature you can then see my photo in your editor. I am able to post a picture if I use the URL ..... it is a real pain. Why won't copy - paste work for me?
To insert images into albums? huh?
I am trying to get an image OUT of my album and into a post, but I can't without using the URL...........

Into posts.. sorry. I'm on 9 hours sleep in 3.5 days. Gimme some slack
I am sorry to be a pest.... must be annoying, I am sure, but can I ask...
Will this bug be fixed? Am I ever going to be able to use the copy-paste feature with my pictures from my private album, or are you telling me to just wait until the upgrade next month?
this worked for me, my profile, edit account details, preferred editor type, change from rich text editor to BBCode. save. go to my albums open the picture you want to post. click the embed button, copy and paste the url in the second box, forgot what it says but its the second box. my picture then posted.

trying the berry picture from my hard drive. add or upload image from my hard drive.

ETA: your account edit preferences may still be different from mine.
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Yes, I CAN post pictures using the URL from my old (private) BYC uploads. What I am saying is, I can NOT use the copy-paste feature.

Do you think that has to do with using the rich text editor instead of the BBCode ? Hmmm, may be...
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