Why are my roosters getting blood red legs?

Brewster, our RIR rooster got red legs just a few weeks ago. He is and (I hope) will always be a complete sweetie-pie. They do not become aggressive, they just get, err, aggressively, err..., romantic.
I call it(romantic) “The dance of Love “
My banty boy with feathered feet started showing a bright red line up the front of both legs. It seemed to not bother him and I saw no signs of mites so I just kept it under observation. Then I discovered a very mild case of bumblefoot on both feet. After just a couple days that is almost healed. While treating this I could see the feathers on his feet look blood filled at the base may up up about a quarter inch or less. Is this hormonal? He’s a year and a month old. He’s active in spite of being second in command behind my alpha rooster, also in spite of being the only banty surrounded by large ladies.

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