Why are my silkies so skiddish?


Oct 26, 2018
I have 6 new silkies, that are very cute, but my gosh are they jumpy. I rarely touch them for this reason. At first I thought they may warm up to me, seeing me so often, I'm the lady with the food, and if one is in trouble I come to the rescue.
So now they are almost a month old and still this behavior continues. They were special ordered from Rural King. One has a single comb, blue, and I thought that odd, but I'm not showing them, just wanted some friends for my other bantams.
What should I be doing? Will they grow out of this?
Everything and its second cousin eats chicken. To a chick and especially to a Silky chick you must look like King Kong himself coming to get a chicken picnic lunch. Besides, chickens dislike having "things" like hawks etc standing over them. Then remember all the thousands of generations of chickens whose last sight on Earth was a hatchet wielding farm wife.
If they are in a brooder box with an open top, and you are reaching from above, they will naturally be afraid of that overhead predator. Don't worry about it! Move them to their coop, with their heat source, and then you can visit at ground level, bringing food, and just 'hanging out' with them. They will mellow out over time.
Some birds will be less 'friendly', and some will be more placid and accepting of handling, and a cockerel or two may decide to become jerks. Let time pass and see how they each develop.
Here I thought it was just me! :bow Out of 12 Silkies, only one's somewhat affectionate. The rest avoid me like the plague. :lol: And after all those rave reviews describing what great pets Silkies make.... Ironically, my "flighty" Mediterranean breeds, namely Leghorns, are leaps and bounds friendlier! :rolleyes:

Totally agree with the previous members: treats, treats, treats. Crouching to their level can do wonders, as well. :)

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I'm not a fan of Silkies, sorry. My most interactive hens have been Speckled Sussex, by far. And some EE bantams, and EEs, and Wyandottes, and an occasional EE. It just depends on the family line, and the individual bird. Get SS!
I can't stand SS. :oops: Friendliness seems to be an individual thing. I just never know which ones will be bold and which will run from me regardless of breed. They all have individual personalities.
idk:confused: y silkie is my only chicken that won't take a treat out of my hand....she doesn't let me pick her up either.... she kinda makes a half hearted attempt to run, but she practically walks and stops... one I have her though, she always wants to perch in my shoulder and eat treats...:confused:I have handled my chickens (excluding 5 year old polish, and cockerel I got) from day 1:confused: some LOVE ME!... but some don't:confused: I honestly can't tell if my silkie likes me or not:lol:

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