Why are our kids' 4-H ducklings dying?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 29, 2013
We received 11 Jumbo Pekin ducklings from Murray McMurray Hatchery a week ago for my daughters to raise as a 4-H project. Five have died in the past two days! They looked so perfectly healthy upon arrival and until dying that I can't figure out what is going on. I have brooded and raised chickens since I was a kid, so I can usually avoid problems or at least tell what went wrong when we lose some.

My kids saw one have what they described as a seizure. They picked it up and stroked it, and it seemed to perk right up. I'm not sure if that is one of the ones that died later that day.

I'm grasping at straws. Could any of these there issues be the cause?

  1. We didn't start them on paper as many do (because I worry about it causing leg issues). We started them right on fresh straw.
  2. The dead ones have been at the perimeter of the brooder. I don't know the temperature when they died because I instructed my daughter to raise the heat lamp immediately when she said she found two dead and I asked where they were laying. Before we put them in, it was 95 degrees and the lamp was raised since then. It has been warm here the last two days in Michigan (well, for Michigan) — about 70 degrees outside.
  3. I know ducks need water in their bills with the food. The feeder was about 12 inches away from the waterer. Now I pushed them closer so they're touching.

It's so sad to lose babies, especially when they belong to the kids. I'd appreciate any and all ideas.
How terribly upsetting. what are you feeding? could it be a niacin deficiency? Have you spoke with the hatchery? I think it's good to get input from where you got birds if you can of coarse when problems arise.
We're feeding a mash broiler starter, I think 21%.

I didn't think to call te hatchery.
Also the temp at 95 was way to hot, last year an op lost all of her ducklings from too high heat in the brooder. since you lowered the temp have you lost any more? How old 2 weeks temp in brooder should be around 80. and the brooder large enough so the ducklings can get away from heat if they are too warm. I always start at 85* and drop temp 5* each week there after till temp in brooder is same as room temp. So sorry and upsetting hope ya'll can figure it out.

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