Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

You shouldn't try to prevent molting, it's a necessary rest for a hen that has used up all her reserves and still needs new feathers to keep her warm during winter. Your birds younger than a year won't molt until next year, so it isn't even a concern their first laying season.
thank you for your response. I didn't realize how important it really is. Isn't there something to help get then thru their molting-herbs or special feather feed? I know they use up tons of calcium during it.
thank you for your response. I didn't realize how important it really is. Isn't there something to help get then thru their molting-herbs or special feather feed? I know they use up tons of calcium during it.

They use up a lot of PROTEIN developing new feathers. So high protein diet is necessary during molting to help chickens thru it. Layena Flock Raiser is 20% protein, Nutrena feather fixer is high protein, I think 22-24%. Manna pro organic poultry conditioner has 22%, you can give them lots of lawn bugs and or meal worms. Some people supplement with kitty food but I'll watch the salt content which is not good for chickens.
They use up a lot of PROTEIN developing new feathers. So high protein diet is necessary during molting to help chickens thru it. Layena Flock Raiser is 20% protein, Nutrena feather fixer is high protein, I think 22-24%. Manna pro organic poultry conditioner has 22%, you can give them lots of lawn bugs and or meal worms. Some people supplement with kitty food but I'll watch the salt content which is not good for chickens.
My advice as well.
They use up a lot of PROTEIN developing new feathers. So high protein diet is necessary during molting to help chickens thru it. Layena Flock Raiser is 20% protein, Nutrena feather fixer is high protein, I think 22-24%. Manna pro organic poultry conditioner has 22%, you can give them lots of lawn bugs and or meal worms. Some people supplement with kitty food but I'll watch the salt content which is not good for chickens.
oops thx for clarifying. That sounds better than to let them just go thru it. Perhaps I'd keep a bag around whenever they looked as if they'd be molting soon. We don't use the same for laying times though right?? We need layer feed from 16wk on then use the feather fixer when going into molt??
I feed an All Flock and a non medicated grower year round. I found layer to be lacking in protein. Last year mine molted quicker and resumed layer months sooner than they did on layer. I will never feed layer again. A bowl of oyster shell will take care of the extra calcium needs.
I feed an All Flock and a non medicated grower year round. I found layer to be lacking in protein. Last year mine molted quicker and resumed layer months sooner than they did on layer. I will never feed layer again. A bowl of oyster shell will take care of the extra calcium needs.
thank you. I'm still in the waiting stage but at least I'm getting some great info and know there are plenty of choices.
My hen went broody 2 months ago chicks hatched 5 weeks ago another hen started taking care of babies she is like a grandma. Now they both are not laying. When are they going back to normal laying eggs again? ?
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Ok, here is my issue. I have 8 hens that free range on a 1/4 acre, under greenery and wonderful flowers that are great for protection. We feed them food every other day, provide plenty of water for them, they aren't molting yet, but they aren't laying! I live in OK and the high temperature has been between 85 and 100 degrees for the past several weeks (two months). We thought that they stopped laying because it's too hot, but even on cloudy weekends, they still don't lay. Every once in a while, one will lay (Easter Egger). So what's going on? Are we doing something wrong? We feed them layer feed. We use to get 8 eggs a day (when we had 10 hens). Is it because most of them are "cold-tolerant" birds? Even our one blue andalusian isn't laying. Is it the nesting material? We use to use straw, but they always pulled it out, so we started using hay. We feed them their eggs (crushed up) so they have calcium. I'm at a loss. I have people asking me to buy eggs, but it's kind of embarassing saying my birds aren't laying right now without having a reason. :( help me out please!
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Ok, here is my issue. I have 8 hens that free range on a 1/4 acre, under greenery and wonderful flowers that are great for protection. We feed them food every other day, provide plenty of water for them, they aren't molting yet, but they aren't laying! I live in OK and the high temperature has been between 85 and 100 degrees for the past several weeks (two months). We thought that they stopped laying because it's too hot, but even on cloudy weekends, they still don't lay. Every once in a while, one will lay (Easter Egger). So what's going on? Are we doing something wrong? We feed them layer feed. We use to get 8 eggs a day (when we had 10 hens). Is it because most of them are "cold-tolerant" birds? Even our one blue andalusian isn't laying. Is it the nesting material? We use to use straw, but they always pulled it out, so we started using hay. We feed them their eggs (crushed up) so they have calcium. I'm at a loss. I have people asking me to buy eggs, but it's kind of embarassing saying my birds aren't laying right now without having a reason. :( help me out please!
Feeding layer every other day isn't going to give you good production. They are probably not getting enough protein, I would switch to a higher protein feed like an all flock and let them eat as much as they want. Provide a separate dish of oyster shells for the extra calcium.

You didn't mention how old they are, some are quitting now to molt. EE aren't always good at production, for me they have been hit and miss.

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