Why do most people marry?

I had NO interest in men or boys NOR in getting married until I met my hubby. I was 32 when I met him at a Civil War reenactment, he was 35 years old. Both of us never had been serious with anyone, let alone having sex which both of us were terrified. I had a very good job with benefits, so did he (without benefits). I was just living on my own since 29, graduated from college, grew wings when my parents gave me the ultra.

He lived two hours away. I drove up to his folks house almost every weekend (he worked second shift, strange hours) and his family really welcomed me. I love his father (now my father in law) to death and enjoyed yacking about the old times.

As time went on, even I had a MAJOR crush on him but for him, it was kinda not sure (because he never was taught or anything about dating LOL) and he and I was together for the good and bad times like an old married couple. He could finish a sentence when I had a "block" when I could not find the words, his devotion to me was upmost important to him and I was able to provide a strong foundation for us as a couple when he was down and out when he lost his job. When I lost my job, he went out and found a second job to support both of us, unmarried and living with me at that time. When I found out I was pregnant, and jobless at the same time (yes it was a double whammy for me), fearing that he would leave me (like I've been hearing gossip among my womenfolk in my family that men like to bail ship when they find out their gf/wives get pregnant). I told him right up front that he is free to leave, do it NOW and I'll be on my merry way. You know, I was very wrong about him (and men in general), he said, he was just as responsible as me to expect our child and he is going to stick by my side no matter what. He lived to that promise and more, every doting to his daughter, the only child we would ever have (due to our advanced age). We were making plans on getting married in the meantime before I knew I was pregnant too...it was an upheaveal in our lives and I didn't know how I was going to pull off the marriage part. He planned it most of it as in the location which I thought it was great! A Scottish Civil War wedding. What about our baby?! He replied, well, she is invited and wants to attend the wedding so she isn't going to wait LOL! So we spent the whole winter planning and it was wonderful! It only costed us $350 along with our friends and families attending.

We have been together for over 13 years, married for 8 years in June.

Looking back, I would love to grow old with him, sitting in our rockers, our love for each other are unspeakable and without words. We just know that our hearts are speaking with one another, a real soul mate. Despite of different upbringings, different personalities but we shared common interests and be able to conversate like anything else. We teach each other and grow together, richer in knowledge and accept our partner's differences and OK to disagree on the issues we will never agree on (hubby is evoluntionist (Darwin), I'm agnostic and dd is a Christian of non dem. faith. We are able to talk why we differ in these things that matters to life and what things don't matter as well.

The number of unmarried couples co habiting together are rising. Probably due to non commitment by both partners or cheaper insurance (medicaid is really bad about that!) and I don't see it as a problem when both partners live together and cohabit like married couples. I've had an aunt that just passed away (she is not married to my uncle but cohabit with him like a wife because she loves him and Medicaid benefits her better than his insurance plans...she had alot of medical problems). She was so thrilled to hear from us "Aunt Tracy" even she was not married nor wants to. They both were very very happy with that kind of arrangement. She also has her own grandkids who called her Grandma (those kids belong to my uncle's children from his first marriage). If the state of IL would allow "common law" , she would fit that category. Love that woman!

Here is our wedding picture when dd was a month and17 days old.
I grew up with good role models for marriage and I've always known I wanted that kind of relationship. There's a level of trust and security that comes from being married that didn't exist in dating relationships I had. Though I had met my husband in elementary school, we spent 12 years apart after my family moved, I went to college while he joined the Marines, I studied in Scotland while he fought in Iraq, and through the most unbelievable of circumstances we met again at 23 over 4th of July holiday. We got married just before Thanksgiving of the same year and that was over 3 years ago. Our daughter is about 9 months old now. I think the big question is why (and how) do people stay married? I hope that in 50 years I'll be able to answer it!
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The reasons my now husband and I saw driving most marraiges are exactly why we still aren't into the whole marriage deal. We did get a marraige license eventually due to issues with taxes, hospital visitation rights, living wills, etc. We were together for many happy years before that though, and would have been personally fine continuing with that trend.

Honestly, it's hard to find friends who are happily married, and we have a lot of single close friends.

So personally, the reason we got together was because there were a lot of things we loved and respected about each other, the reason we stayed together is because we were interested in pursuing an exclusive relationship with each other (I can honestly say that I was hesitant to even hold hands with previous boyfriends...I kind of figured I'd stay single my whole life because I did not enjoy boyfriends at all), that just kind of naturally flowed into wanting to spend the entirty of our lives together, and the reason we got married had nothing to do with our feelings for each other. There are so many reasons out there though. :)
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My hubby and I got married because we knew that we had found our match the first day we met. His reasoning was “He couldn’t let somebody else have me”. That was of course before he realized that I am batpoopcrazy. But he still loves me.
Aint the truth?!

My hubby and I got married because we knew that we had found our match the first day we met. His reasoning was “He couldn’t let somebody else have me”. That was of course before he realized that I am batpoopcrazy. But he still loves me.
My wife and I have been married going on 19 years. In my side of the family its rare to be maried that long,on my wifes side,its still way short.

I got married to her because I love her to madness.Loving someone to death has an end...death.

Loving someone to maddness means you cannot live where you are at without them and would drive you insane...to madness.

Little did I know she felt the same way...to madness.

I still love her as much as I did when we first loved each other, but a stronger madness.

sure we have our disagreements,but we have a very strong marrage.People often comment us on it.It shows on us.

Love someone to madness and you will know what true love is.
Hmmm...I've only been married once and I said yes to the guy's proposal because he asked me in front of his entire family and I was honestly too embarrassed to say, um...can I think about it? Then cut to about 6-8 weeks after that, I got pregnant. Yes, it honestly happened that way. Engagement ring, pregnancy and then I kept trying to put him off on the marriage thing. I was huge-mongous when I finally agreed to a court house marriage and I wish I hadn't. My gut told me no no no and society told me I needed to be married before birthing a baby...I was young and dumb at the time. Will I make that mistake again...nope. It's been over 20 years and I haven't done it again. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, living together for a little under a year...things are moving slowly and I think that's just fine.

My personal opinion on why people SHOULD get married, to be with their soulmate & best friend, the person they love and can't imagine living without. The hard part, figuring out who that person is when you encounter them. It is for me anyway...I suck at figuring that sort of thing out. Good luck to all who venture into it!
I think most of us don't follow our grandparents or great grandparents which they did marry out of convience or society pressures. Men must procreate while women stay at home, raising kids. Not an easy life!
We met 7 months and dated 6 before we got married. We couldn't stand to be apart back then and still spend every possible moment together.

I was 17 1/2 years old and he was 20 when we married. It's been 27 years now and we've never regretted a moment of it.

I still don't know what he sees in me....
Yup, I tell you Ewesheep... He always reminds himself that he vowed for the whole “In sickness and health” thingie and that he was sorry there was no clearer definition if that meant mental sickness or not.
Too late muwahahahahahahaha
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