Why do most people marry?

I married because I wanted a family. I wanted a man who would be a wonderful husband and father to our children. I found him and I married him. There was never a question of not getting married considering I would never have a family without being married.
Quote: Bolded for emphasis on the following point. Why did you highlight the "I's" and "myself", and attempt to equate that with a statement about marriage? Pronouns are used to clarify sentences...please do not take them out of context. "Husband" and "wife" are similarly terms and concepts that exist outside of what you seem to be talking about (one form of marriage from one religion), so it is equally odd to me that you would insist others engaged in (including US legal) marriages use different terms.
I guess I just haven't met anyone yet that loves me enough to want to marry me and start a family with me.

I love reading about other peoples marriages and experiences. I love that there are people out there who are happy and still in love after a long time together.

That gives me hope.
So keep posting!
Citygirl, i hear what you are saying,. i see that a LOT also...and it makes me sick to see.
But its those women that SETTLE for that type of man..
I just never settled for it... (i'm a stubborn jack wagon)
If a guy was doing something that i didnt like,..he knew it and knew it fast. I just simply didnt tolerate any BS from them for long. I ALWAYS figured i would rather be single then be tied down to some jerk wad every day of my life and be miserable inside. I honestly didnt think i would ever marry... because i just couldnt settle for "any" jerk guy like most of friends were doing...
Had to kiss a lot of frogs... but i finally met my husband. And i just KNEW that he was the one. And after 8 years he still treats me the same way as when we met.

So it doesnt have to be the way you mention... its all in what you'll settle for in life.
And theres NOTHING wrong with staying single either... its better than living the miserable life i see so many of my friends in with jerk wad husbands...
I guess I just haven't met anyone yet that loves me enough to want to marry me and start a family with me.

I love reading about other peoples marriages and experiences. I love that there are people out there who are happy and still in love after a long time together.

That gives me hope.
So keep posting!

Oh jesus, you are beautiful!!! (i have seen your pic) You WILL meet the right guy someday! I didnt meet my husband until i was 30..
Just dont settle for some jerk wad guy...
Its better to be single!
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Aww thanks Redhen!
You are too sweet... problem is I am already 30! LoL! I want to settle down and have a family before I am too old... My current bf and I have been together for almost 4 and a half years and he is not showing me the slightest hints that he ever even wants to get married...
Aww thanks Redhen!
You are too sweet... problem is I am already 30! LoL! I want to settle down and have a family before I am too old... My current bf and I have been together for almost 4 and a half years and he is not showing me the slightest hints that he ever even wants to get married...

Ahh, thats a tough one...
Have you spoken to him about it??
I'd not wait around for some guy to get off the pot until your too old to have a chance at making a family...
There ARE more GOOD guys out there...
You are surely in a tough place right now...

Maybe I need to have a "come to Jesus" chat with your boyfriend.

Perhaps I feel a connection with you because I have your eggs in my bator right now, BUT...

... I guess the questions I want to ask you are too personal to do except in a PM.... and I won't ask them unless invited to do so.

I love every single one of my kids. I can't imagine what life would be without them.

Marriage and kids are a part of what makes life worth living for me. It's a part of God's plan of happiness for most all of his children. My wife was 27 and I was 29 when we got married... and we have 7 kids. It hasn't always been a bed of roses. I've yet to see a real marriage that is. It is WORK! It is constant kindness and looking out for the needs of your partner. It's caring for what they care about. It's about total, life-long/eternal commitment.

My maternal grandparents were married over 70 years. My parents over 65. My wife's parents have been married for 55 years now. None of my siblings or my wife's siblings have been divorced. I just can't see it ever happening.

Perhaps it's time to tell boyfriend to "poop or get off of the pot"!!
I can't imagine dating for years. In my opinion ( and what we teach our children) dating is to find the person you want to marry and doesn't happen until you are ready for that. You only date people you could see yourself marrying and it doesn't take years for that. LOL different strokes for different folks I guess

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