Why do people choose to be vegans?

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And Rufus or rufu or something like that, Us vegans don't just " come around" we all have our own lifestyles. Not all of us don't eat animals for the same reason. It could just be they get sick when they use animal products. I know I always do!
Alright Alright... I have been a vegan before. I'm not saying it is a better way of life, I'm not even saying it's healthier. But the reason I DIDN'T eat those things not because it was against any religion I had ever heard of before but only because, How would you like it if someone came and knocked on your door and said " Hey how bout we kill you for someone else's pleasure and completely stop your own life just for their luxury, you alright with that?" Food wise as of chickens I agree with the 2nd post that a user said. These chickens eggs aren't as fresh as my chickens and the chickens die everyday from a pecking order or human order. Next time you go to the store buy some eggs then come home and crack open some of your chickens eggs. There is a huge color difference in the eggs yolk. Yellow and bright pretty orange. Yellow is when they don't get to move around a ton or have been sick recently. That's the truth. This is just my opinion and I saw that Bullitt wanted an actual vegan to step in and explain. ( I only read first 2 or 3 pages) as of now I have my own eggs and neighbors farm I buy from. Not a vegan nor vegetarian, but if I see my neighbors mistreating the animals I am going to vegan again. If I absolutely had to I would eat store bought meat. Like when my in-laws would visit they always brought a "homemade" meal. If I didn't eat it that would just be rude and disrespectful. And of course my mom has gone on and on of the reasons why people should never be vegans, her not knowing I was one at the time.

Thank you for the insight.

The color of an egg yolk is only the result of what chickens eat. If you feed chickens just white corn their yolks will be white.

I see a little difference between killing a chicken and killing a person. No, I would not like it if someone knocked on my door because the person wanted to eat me. :)

I have noticed a trend that very few people can stick with being a vegan.

Enjoy your meat and other animal products.
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Not all of us don't eat animals for the same reason. It could just be they get sick when they use animal products. I know I always do!

Yes, each person has his or her own reasons.

If animal products made me sick, I would not eat them or wear them. That is not the issue I was thinking about with vegans, though. I am thinking of people who just choose not to eat or use animal products.
Don't worry about vegans. They make their own decisions. When they get tired of it or realize nobody cares what they eat we don't not use these products just to showoff or be noticed, they may come around. It is a personal issue. Just make sure there are enough veggies on the table. They may come up with some sanctimonious attitudes at the dinner table, but just tell them to can it. The dinner table is no place to preach.

Count yourself lucky they are into the vegan lifestyle and not some other things like drugs.

By the way, I see as a result of some court cases, horse slaughter will resume in the US. The USDA had been prohibited from providing meat inspections for horse slaughter. MMMM! Horse meat. I loved it.
See this made me infuriated. Sorry.
Heck that just leaves more for me and great that vegan can just
get out of the food line and I take one steep forward ........



That may be true at a burger joint. But they still buy groceries in the grocery store.

This reminds me of a report a while back. Muslims who ate French fries at McDonald's got mad because there was some pork fat in the frying oil and Hindus were mad because there was some beef fat in the oil. Why would either of these groups be eating at a place that serves bacon cheeseburgers in the first place? :)
It seems this thread is becoming a form of ridicule/mockery toward people who make choices different from yours. Ask yourself how a thread titled "I don't understand people who are christian" would go over here, with a similar tone as this one has. Would that be considered offensive? If so, why that and not this?
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It seems this thread is becoming a form of ridicule/mockery toward people who make choices different from yours. Ask yourself how a thread titled "I don't understand people who are christian" would go over here, with a similar tone as this one has. Would that be considered offensive? If so, why that and not this?

One person joked about shorter lines for food. Is that considered mocking people?

This website is not about religion. It wouldn't be appropriate.

This thread has to do with people who do not eat eggs.
One person joked about shorter lines for food. Is that considered mocking people?

This website is not about religion. It wouldn't be appropriate.

This thread has to do with people who do not eat eggs.

I dunno, some people in here do see to be making fun of the lifestyle. One person quoted above basically said that people do it just to show off and try to look special. The post above about vegans "getting out of line" was a slam. And you even made a remark about people not being able to stick with it, which poked me the wrong way because I was a vegetarian for three years but stopped once I started eating meat from animals treated humanely, so I didn't "stick with being vegetarian." You may not have meant that as a snide remark but it came off that way.

Anyway, this attitude was one of the reasons that I did not make my vegetarianism well known. People seem to get offended by it for some reason, like I was hurting them by not eating meat. In fact, people go out of their way to bother vegetarians and vegans by wearing shirts that mock them and having rude slogans and things like that. I don't even know if most of the time people mean to be rude or snide about it, but it happens an awful lot.

Anyway, all that said, once again, I have no problem with meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, whatever. It's your body, it's your food, do what you want. I just don't know why so many others seem unable to grasp this concept. And I don't mean you, by the way - you've been fairly neutral throughout the discussion.
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