Why do you raise quail?

I raise Coturnix quail because I'm a really impatient person and like how quickly they reproduce. They're also easily one of the most beneficial barnyard birds to have around the home.

- They are more efficient producers of eggs than even chickens. It takes less feed for a quail hen to produce a pound of eggs than it does for a chicken.

- They lay practically every day, so you can expect a ton of eggs to do whatever you want with. The eggs taste just like chicken eggs, only with a little more flavor.

- They hatch out at 16-18 days and are laying their own eggs at eight weeks. At eight weeks some of my jumbos weigh in at a pound and can be butchered.

- The males make a funky little noise that isn't loud enough to be intrusive. For people who love their chickens but can't hatch out their own chicks due to city laws, quail are a great alternative. Especially since you can keep them in the house if you really want to - they make great pets.

- Since they reproduce so quickly it's easier to play around with the color genetics to see what wild mutations crop up. Instead of spending years messing with chickens, you can get through five generations of quail in a single year.

Once we're through the winter I plan on setting up a section of my barn specifically for quail. I wanted to do it this year but I keep getting talked into selling chicks I planned on keeping back for myself. When I don't have to worry about breaking ice or keeping heat lamps in the barn (that could just as easily be on me all winter) then I'll set up space for at least a few hundred quail so I can mix and match colors until my head explodes.

Summary: You must have quail. Quail are good for you. Join the addiction.
I'm in!

*tiny little voice.... heeeellllllpppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *

Hi Henrietta, I'm in Hyogo-ken (prefecture/state) just about smack dab in the middle of the country north to south (inlcluding Okinawa, ). Good idea about the bentos, perfect size huh?

Omniskies , and everyone great replies, I'm considering getting some for meat and eggs.

The only reason I hatched some bobwhites is because my husband said he likes the noise they make. Now that they are here I think they are adorable, but are simply pets here.
Hi Henrietta, I'm in Hyogo-ken (prefecture/state) just about smack dab in the middle of the country north to south (inlcluding Okinawa, ). Good idea about the bentos, perfect size huh?

Omniskies , and everyone great replies, I'm considering getting some for meat and eggs.


My in-laws lived in Iwakuni and Misawa when they taught for the DOD about 20 years ago. They were there for a total of 5 years and loved it.
Yeah, the eggs will be perfect for bentos plus my son loves anything miniature so he'll love the eggs and the quail! He was diappointed when all our chicks grew up. He still likes the chickens but wishes there was a chick that stayed chick sized!
I've been reading all your posts, as to why people raise quail. I'm really glad I entered this thread! My girlfriend raises quail and wants to trade me some quail. I still have to know more about them, ie: housing, feed, oh, just everything before I can decide. But, I wanted to say "Thanks" to all the posts. This has been great!
thanks for all of the info, i was just wondering this same question this morning. i may have to add these to the list of things in the yard. now on to researching quail coops...or pens....or whatever y'all call them.
Training my Llewellin Setters.

The reason I got into hatching and raising them was I was tired of searching high and low every year to find training birds. I've learned that hatcheries are some of the most unreliable and dishonest people there are.

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