Why does my chicken have scabs on her wattle?


This is what early dry fowl pox looks like. I can see how you were confused, but the bumps are raised and brown, rather than crusty and the colour of dried blood. The fowl pox lesions turn to scabbing later but they don't have the torn appearance that this bird has.

Quote from The Chicken Chick: "Initial stages of Dry Fowl Pox include ash colored, raised lesions or blisters on the comb, face and wattles. Blisters evolve into larger, yellow bumps and finally, dark colored, wart-looking scabs. The scabs eventually resolve, leaving scars behind." That does not really match up with the looks here.

Again, note the rather wart like presentation.
I would not suspect fowl pox, at least not yet. Peck marks, most likely, since it looks like it's only on the wattle, and only this one chicken. My girls all had dry fowl pox this year.
Today I noticed that the big scab on my chicken's wattle is now gone! I still see a tiny bit, but most of it is gone and she looks very healthy. I deep cleaned their coop and run because I don't know where the scab fell off.

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