Why does my dog have diohrea?

Different wormers have different active ingredients to kill different types of parasites. Unless you take a fecal sample to the vet to have it examined, you will have no idea what type of parasites your dog has and deworming it will just be a shot in the dark.
no. As I stated before, not all wormers treat all parasites. You need to take a fecal sample to the vet and let the vet see if the dog even needs a wormer.
im going to change his food cut him of treats and scraps if he dosent iumprove with in a week we are going to take him for a check-up at the vets
carolinagirl58 on that link that you posted saying "this one is good" well wich one should i buy
It depends on the size of your dog, they have different recipes for mini, regular and large breeds. I would try the lamb and rice for whatever size dog you have.

Take some time and do some research on canine nutrition rather than just asking which food you should buy, so you can make your own informed decisions.
Sorry....as a pet owner, you have to make some decisions for yourself. You have been given multiple links, one even explains in details what each of the ingredients you might find on a label are and how they apply to your dog. You have asked for advise, which is a smart thing to do. Whenever any of us have problems we can ask for the opinions of others. But ultimately, the decisions we make for our pets is our decision alone. It's part of being a pet owner. You must educate yourself and then use the knowledge you gain to make informed decisions for your pet.
Lamb is, from my understanding, a more difficult protein to digest for many dogs.

I have had dogs that couldn't eat lamb or chicken, but beef/fish/bison were ok. He needed grains, so the grainfree foods didn't work for him, but he couldn't do wheat or soy either and I avoid corn in dog food (as well as wheat and soy anyway now)
I have raised Jack Russels and currently have 4. They are known for having skin issues, so a grain free food is much better. I would settle for Lamb & Rice if that is all you can get/afford. They also are known for eating things they shouldn't, if the upset stomach came on suddenly, then perhaps he got in to something? Mine get in to things outside all the time (especially horse poo
) you think it smells bad anyway, wait until they yack it back up in the middle of the night

You can try some cooked rice and boiled chicken (meat only, no bones) for a day or two and see if this helps. If not, I would get him to a vet, could be something in his stomach that he ingested.

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