Why is she quacking so much??

My Pekin duck, Honey, quacks A LOT. She is the leader of her flock and she is always quacking or doing that squeaky thing they do while moving her head back and forth (I've been told that is a ducks way of saying, "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!", which makes me laugh every time I hear her do it now). She's like a toddler, I worry anytime she is quiet for too long, hahaha. She hasn't always been this loud. I believe it started when she realized that everyone would do what she does. They free range on my pond throughout the day and anytime she hears me outside but isn't close by, she starts almost a screaming quack. I feel like she wants me to know that she is coming and wants to make sure I don't put any possible food or treats away because she is coming as fast as she can. We have a pair of wild domestic Canada Geese and now, they have started the exact same thing, well except for the fact that they honk loudly because they don't really quack, hahaha! Maybe she feels less visible because it's just her instead of two of them or she could be exerting herself now that she is no longer with Colonel. I'm wishing you the best as I have no tips. Maybe if you start putting a positive spin on hearing it, like when she does it say something like, "She is so adorable. I just love her quacks. Hopefully once she gets accustomed to the changes of being without Colonel soon.". Keep things positive, if at all possible. Best wishes

Edited to add that I am lazy and didn't read previous replies. My apologies

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