Why is there poop around her vent?


that is good news. can you feed them anything but layer feed for as long as possible? i just lost my girl red. she had a similar occasion. we recovered after she spent two weeks in the kitchen. but then i found her dead in the coop this past friday. is your girl young? i'm just trying to understand things in common. and don't want you to lose one of your little ones.
Well I adopted her from my dads friend. Who got her spring 2009. so almost 2 years old. shes a black sex link, Kind of a big girl, 8 pounds?
Well the old owner told me straight out, that every once in a while he would get double yolkers from her. I cracked the crocked egg by the way, it was only on yolk. Though Im guess shes been lying big eggs from a while. But a blood vessel pop'ed because the egg was crooked today?
here she is


here is her poop butt, About 2 hours after I got it wet and combed it (the red spots the size of a golf ball\\


She is just a big layer. A good layer. Protect her, and feed her non layer feed. Anything that will keep her from laying but will still be plenty of protein. Let her insides heal.

I'm a bit choked up. I just lost my favorite girl. A big layer, for related purposes. You can see her pic to the left.

I really want to help save yours. At least stay in contact. If there is anything I can do, let me know.


Im soo sorry about your loss
she was a very pretty girl. I lost on girl (red sex link, being egg bound) I got her from a friend, She never laid me a egg....

I cant stop feeding her layer mash because in the main coop where she is. And The main coop has to have it. Is there any other way, Because I dont want to seperate her, her whole life. And I dont have any other seperate areas for her because my broodies are in them with her chicks, and I cant prevent her from eating it, and they only sell layers mash were at. Any other ideas? like human food, or something so slow her down.?
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Not feeding layer feed is not going to prevent her from laying. Feed does not make the hen lay an egg.

Have you treated for mites and lice? Often times that is the cause of your symptoms, and they are hard to see. I would try dusting her with Poultry Dust, and repeat it in 10 days. You would also need to clean out the coop and treat it, to prevent further infestation. You may want to soak her butt and clean her up, but I sure would not comb it. Feathers are not meant to be combed.

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