why isnt my sebbie laying???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
everything i have is laying except my sebbie, she layed one egg in the begening of winter and hasnt layed since, what am i doing wrong???? i was sure she would be by now. she is 1 year old and this is her first season. any ideas??
i was thinking diet too, i am feeding them purina layers pellets, fresh lettuce and greens, grass. i also give her vitamins in her water. what am i leaving out? i have checked everywhere for a nest, i put chicken eggs in her house lol and she made a nest around them and burried them but has not added to them. they have been there for a week now
You are sure she hasn't laid eggs in the water, or hidden a nest on you? If she has unlimited grass she doesn't need the lettuce. We feed Mazuri waterfowl with oats, boss, and purina omega 3 blended in. They have all the grass they want, and pools dumped every other day and quickly going to daily with our temps.
She's one year old. If you get eggs from a yearling goose you consider yourself to be lucky. Some geese don't lay until they are two. They are certainly still growing at the age of two, so a yearling is still quite a baby.

She'll lay when she is darn good and ready, with little consideration for what suits you. So, your only recourse is patience. (and to hunt for hidden nests and protect her from predators and egg stealers.)

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