why some lay and some not?


9 Years
May 4, 2010
At 21 weeks some of my hens started laying:D Now at 24 weeks I still have 4 hens not laying (Australorps & Barred Rocks) The only thing different about my hens is the breed. Am I just being impatient?
Patience Grasshopper. Each breed is different and each bird is an individual. They will lay when their bodies are mature enough to lay and everyone matures at their own pace.

To put it another way, I have four sisters. We all "started" at different ages too.
I have 2 chickens that are 27 weeks old and they still aren't laying. However they are hanging out in the nesting boxes lately so I hoping.
Thanks for your posts. I'm new to the forum and I love reading all the talk about chickens. My hens that aren't laying are four of the friendliest. I think they enjoy being petted and they will allow you to pick them up. They will even fly up on my arm when I allow it.

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