Why won't my ducks swim in the baby pool?!

Took my ducks a couple of weeks, and couple of handfuls of peas, and getting rid of the steps to the kiddie pool before they would get in. After they got used to the kiddie pool and had access everyday, then they were scared of the real pond! Seriously do not like change. Takes them some time to adjust.
Any suggestions? They won't use the bricks I placed for steps

Pile up dirt around a good section of the pool to make an incline where they don't even realixe they are stepping up onto anything. You can just put the dirt ramp on the bricks to give you some elevation without having to use as much dirt. Ducks doent like to step up on something so its hart to get them to use just brick steps. And after a while they will learn they can go it from just stepping over the edge.

I was going to say something similar...I used a sandbag and then the ducks seemed to get the idea
I FEEL for you! My ducks did the SAME thing to me as kids! What I did (which is totally rediculous but effective) was I took a bob sled and placed a couple of wood peices under it to raise it just the right amount, then I filled the sled with water. So now they saw the sled water and went to play but then they realized the BIG water was right there and much more easy to get in. They hop right in. Now they can't be bothered with that and simply jump in, but they're a little taller now too. Hope it helps. If not, try a big pile of dirt next to the pool. And I know someone has said this but throw some minnows anything to catch their eye and make them want to dive in!
New here but wanted to share this info...
My ducks, ( pair of spoiled Rouen, Buddy & Squeek) absolutely HATE all things BLUE. I noticed when they would go nutz every time I carried this blue bucket into their area....they freaked out and would scream and run in circles. Once I understood it was the bucket,. I then learned it was the color that bothered them. I had seen them react to a brown stick (snake) and other things that made sense, but the Blue thing is baffling. Even the plastic blue broom gets them upset....
Every so often I forget and wear a blue T shirt out there and pick up Buddy...and he starts chewing on me and acts like I stole his dinner...till I remember its the blue shirt that he's reacting to, not me.
Just a suggestion. Fill your kiddie pool to the top with water. Mine dont like to get in either when its low like in the pic.
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