Why would someone do this???

That is so awful! I just read about your chickens being gone (except for the ones that were hiding) and am so sorry that happened. We lost our entire flock of 9 10-wk old chickens a few weeks ago to someone's loose dogs that dug into our coop. Unfortunately the TWO padlocks that we had on the door (to keep out people and raccoons as well as be sure that the door couldn't blow open) didn't stop those darned dogs. We at least knew where the chickens' bodies were, though. At the time I didn't think that was a good thing but maybe it was since we didn't have to wonder where they were.

We now have a game cam pointed at our coop (we're working on another batch of chicks so we'll be using it again eventually) and are installing motion-activated floodlights on all 4 corners of the building. We also went to WalMart and got their longest-range baby monitor this morning, we have to try it out later today to see if it will work.

ETA: BTW, the baby monitors nowadays have some serious potential range on them. We saw one that went up to 800 or 900' and one that claims it could even transmit up to 2000'--under the "proper" conditions, I'm sure. Still, that is an amazing distance to consider.
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Great post, policy & pic! I agree completely about not letting our dogs run loose, even on my own property. All of my babies are kept safe & sound in the house with a security system if I'm not outside with them. I just don't trust people, especially with my pittie mix. If someone was bitten she'd be blamed automatically just because of her breed.

But I don't tell people that. I let them think the dogs are on the loose on my property. If they are thinking ahead enough to wonder if the dogs are out protecting the property, they need that discouragement, IMHO.
We have Great Pry dogs. If someone comes out that they are not familiar with they are on point before the engine is shut off. If the size does not scare them the bark is sure to. Also the haircut my mom gives them. Poor things.
One interesting thing that I noticed...the birds that were killed were the ones that my DD was going to show in FFA. I am wondering if it was kids and they targeted my DD. It makes me sad about the babies. Especially my little polish I rescued.

That's an even bigger red flag! soooo sorry this happened!​
We lock our chickens and turkeys up in a pen that has a padlock, and it can be only opened with a key. It is a lot of trouble for us, but I don't want my chickens and turkeys stolen by thieves of the two-legged kind. I also plan on getting a camera later.
So sorry you've had to go through this.

Hope your injured birds are recovering well. Bet you're giving them extra TLC!

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