Wierd Coop Behaviour


Roo Magnet
10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
My husband and I put our girls in the run about a half an hour before dark (after they have been free ranging for most of the day). They usuall huddle up together, but sleep in the run under the coop. I had chalked this up to the heat (here in the high desert it was in the high 80's at 10 oclock last night).

But last night we ended up running late and getting back after dark-and they were all inside the coop. We've noticed them do this another time. Why would they put themselves inside the coop, but avoid it if we herd them into their run???!!
Yes, my girls put themselves to bed which means they go to their run from ranging around the yard. They go up the ramp and into their house all by themselves and have from an early age. I feel sorry for them sometimes because I"m high desert also and it was hot last night (storms in the area).

I do wait until it gets pretty dark before tucking them in. They'll be okay on their own.

My coop is enclosed with a ramp leading up to an enclosed box with roosts and nest boxes. When possible I let my chickens out into a fenced in yard, they know where to go and run straight to the gate, if I leave them out too late they get out of the fence and go back to their coop, up the ramp and into the box. All of mine sleep in the box every night.
Sounds a lot like our set up. Coop with roosts/nest boxes food and water. Ramp into a fenced run with a gate out into the yard.

So if it is their idea to beat the dark to keep themselves safe they will use their coop, but if we "shoo" them into their run, they somehow don't make the connection? I don't get it?
HA! That's it exactly! They are about the right age...

If they break into the house, steal my car keys and go for a joy ride, some serious disciplining shall occur !!!!!
mine do the same thing. I usually wait till dark, shut the pop door and they are all settled in, in the same order every night. If I get home late, they are all snuggled in, sound asleep...

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