Will a hen fight with a roo?


5 Years
Jan 19, 2018
We have some three month olds. It's looking like two of the four are definitely roos but the other two I still cant tell. One has a very small comb, no wattles. Tail is scrappy looking but I dont see saddle feathers. The roos are starting to challenge each other and this one is meeting the challenge, although I have seen it submit. Will a hen fight the same way as a rooster or is it not a hen?
Sorry about that, sometimes I dont get back in here for a while. We had to dispatch our loudest crowder. He was a beauty and my sons favorite. But I cant keep roos and no one would take him. Part of the gig I got myself into. Another has definitely crowed but hasnt taken over for the alpha roo yet. These last two are confusing me, not that I have much experience. They will tangle 20200610_174818.jpg 20200610_174804.jpg with the roos though they are starting to settle down now.

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