Will a Rooster chicken surf a cockerel?

Gives all those surfing terms a whole new meaning, doesn't it?
Gives all those surfing terms a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

I just got a knarly pounder
got my first tube today
surfs up
if you cant surf your fish bait
Yes roos with "surf" other roos. I see it more when they are young.

Just a few days ago I saw a young roo jump on the back of my BBB tom turkey. The turkey was not amused and took off running all the way across the property with the roo holding on the entire way. It was quite a sight to see and very funny.

But that turkey and the two roos are very confused birds. They were raised together and for the longest time the chickens treated the turkey like it was mom. For the longest time I called them the turkeys' chickens. They are almost always together. My turkey hen also pals around with the two roos. She doesn't let them get any ideas of trying with her.
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