Will a snood grow back? UPDATED W/PHOTOS

You could make him a prosthesis... You know, like with some yarn or something. Maybe some gum... You could totaly McGyver something there.

I laughed so hard!

MacGyver always used paper clips and batteries. He only used yarn when his grandmother came with him.

Well, I tried that and it didn't go so well (the paper clip and battery, not taking the grandmother). The turkey looked almost more ridiculous than before and it was like watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on TV.
I know this is a bit off subject but has anyone had a hermaphrodite turkey before??
I had a huge BBB tom(?) that died. I needed to know why so I opened him up & found
one testicle & a uterus with eggs forming! Strutted around like a male, growing a beard
but was about to start laying. LOL
BUT he never gobbled!

I have ITS brother & I'm questioning if that one is a hermaphrodite as well.
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Well, the update is the snood grew back very slightly, but never enough to regain his manhood. A few months later, his head was removed, and that never grew back at all.

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