Will a snood grow back? UPDATED W/PHOTOS

We bought them June 11th. They looked about 1 to 2 weeks old then. So they are about 3 months old.

That feed store orders from Privett Hatchery, and the accompanying poster shows only bronze and white, the non-heritage breeds. When I called to ask what we had just bought, they said "Bronze and White." But the white one sure isn't very white.

The bronze was displaying today, and his snood never really got much longer than you see in his photo at the bottom. Maybe 50% longer if even that. He did turn a little blue. When he was displaying, the white didn't display, as he had before. But both have the feathers on the back that look hacked off, and I read that was a way to tell they were boys. How can I tell????

Every time I look at white turkeys snood, it looks like in the photo. He hasn't postured in my presence since the 'incident', so I don't know if it will elongate or not.
Gah, I have a lot to look forward to in the 'ugly' department, since I've never raised turkeys before. OMG SO HIDEOUS.

I can't believe something so ugly right out of the shell (big bulgy eyes!) can get so cute, then so monstrously ugly again.
Turkeys aren't ugly.....

The white is def. a royal palm or palm mix. I'm not the best at sexing them, she just looks girly to me, LOL. Both hens and toms can display, although the hens won't puff out and gobble. They will puff up and smack sideways with a wing if something aggravates/scares them. Also if you feel their chest you might feel the beginnings of a beard starting on the boys. Some hens do get beards, but it takes longer.
Turkeys are beautyful... yes they are ..

Dont let them hear you say that .. they will come into your house at night and poop on the rugs.

Even if the snood never grows back all the way.. it doesnt matter.. the ladys wont see his face anyway.. lol
He/She/It isn't ugly.

He/She/It just is...


not .... ummmmm...


Errr... Exactly what I mean! Not... Uh.. Pretty. o_o;

They have such personalities though.

I've heard the young'uns gobble twice this month.

But they're still really small. Heritage breeds, cute, but slow to mature.
I learned something new today. Are those things seriously called "snoods" REALLY? That is funny...can't wait to tell hubby. He asked me and I had NO clue. TOTALLY new to turkeys. We have wild ones all over here but no tame ones.

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