Will black snakes harm my chickens and chicks?

That is what I wondered sfw2. I found a broody hen dead in the coop and her neck seemed stretched and was all wet. I blamed my puppy who would not bite but would definitely chase and lick. Now I wonder if it was a snake? I saw a skinny black snake in the coop this evening. I tried to catch it to take it outside but it climbed inside the wall of the coop (tin shed). I don't want to kill a black snake but if that is what got my hen----well, that is snake war.
It is possible that a black snake killed your chicken, but??? I don't think a chicken would allow a snake to wrap it's self around it's neck with out putting up a fuss and getting away. But I do know that my brother in law and his wife came home last evening and found a six foot black snake in the cage of baby chickens ( 4) and three were missing the snake could not get out of the cage because of the chicken wire, snake was to fat to go through the holes, well we killed the snake and took a knife and slit it open and in side were the three missing chicks!!, so reguardless what people say, YES it is possible for black snakes or any other snake for the matter except for garden snakes to eat baby chicks. How to keep snakes from eating baby chicks is a good question ( which came first, the chicken or the egg?)
Black snakes can crawl up walls, down walls or even in trees to get birds eggs, so I guess one will have to keep a good watch over their hen house!! Good Luck Roostertwo
A broody hen who attempts to defend her eggs or babies instead of leaving the nest is likely to be killed by a snake even when it is too small to eat her. My daughter had a broody hen killed by a snake.
Bllack snakes do not have fangs.I Doubt a black snaked killed yourt broody.
That is what I wondered sfw2. I found a broody hen dead in the coop and her neck seemed stretched and was all wet. I blamed my puppy who would not bite but would definitely chase and lick. Now I wonder if it was a snake? I saw a skinny black snake in the coop this evening. I tried to catch it to take it outside but it climbed inside the wall of the coop (tin shed). I don't want to kill a black snake but if that is what got my hen----well, that is snake war.
they do have fangs because they have a poison that that can kill small animals like a baby bird or mole but can give a human a fever
today we have seen a 5.4 black snake on our slide about 20 feet away from baby chicks we have and about 75 feet from our chicken yard
they will try eating chicks.Normally hens or roosters well all will kill black snakes no doubt about it.Not exactly kill,but injure it pretty dang good escpeically broody hens.Or hens with chicks.
There were no bite marks on the hen. Her neck seemed stretched and all the head and net feathers were wet. My snake imagination thought perhaps she was swallowed and then when he got to the thickness of her body he threw her back up. She was a silkie and they are pretty gentle.
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